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Fork Definition & Meaning

1. A utensil with two or more prongs used for eating or serving food.

Example: Can you pass me a fork so i can eat my salad?

2. A branching path or road.

Example: We need to take the left fork in the road to get to the park.

3. A point where something divides or separates into two or more parts.

Example: The river forked into two smaller streams.

4. To divide or separate into two or more parts.

Example: She forked the dough into two equal parts to make two loaves of bread.

5. A tool used for digging or lifting.

Example: He used a garden fork to turn over the soil in his vegetable garden.

Examples of the word fork used in sentences.

  • She used a fork to comb her hair.
  • Can you give me a fork to eat my salad?
  • The fork is missing from the table.
  • I accidentally dropped my fork on the floor.
  • I eat my soup with a fork.
  • I need a fork to eat my salad.
  • Be careful with the fork, it's very sharp.
  • The fork has three prongs, which makes it different from a knife.
  • Can you pass me the fork, please?
  • I prefer to eat spaghetti with a fork rather than with a spoon.
  • I always use a fork to eat my spaghetti so I don't make a mess.
  • Can you pass me the fork, please? I dropped mine on the floor.
  • When baking a cake, make sure to use a fork to poke holes in the top to help it cool down faster.
  • I prefer to use a fork and knife when eating steak, rather than just a fork.
  • It's important to use a fork when eating salad to prevent making a mess.
  • "The road forks ahead, which way should we go?" asked Ben to his travel companion.
  • "I can't decide if I prefer the fork or spoon when eating soup," pondered Jane as she stirred her bowl.
  • "I need a fork to eat my salad," said Sarah as she looked for one in the kitchen.
  • "Be careful with that fork, it's very sharp," warned the chef to the new cook.
  • "I always use a fork to comb my hair in the morning," joked Tom to his friend.
  • As I was enjoying my steak, I accidentally dropped my fork onto the floor.
  • It's important to use a fork when eating sushi to avoid any cross-contamination.
  • He couldn't resist the smell of the freshly baked pie, grabbing a fork and taking a big slice.
  • She artfully arranged the asparagus on the plate, using the fork to create a beautiful pattern.
  • The fork in the road presented a difficult decision: should we continue straight or turn left?
  • When the power went out during the storm, the family had to eat their soup with plastic forks by candlelight.
  • Forking over the extra cash for the premium version of the software was worth it in the end.
  • The company decided to fork out a hefty sum to secure the talented musician for their upcoming event.
  • The chef used a delicate silver fork to carefully plate the exquisite dish.
  • The hikers faced a difficult fork in the trail and had to decide which path to take.
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