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Afraid Definition & Meaning

1. Feeling fear or anxiety about something that may happen or is happening.

Example: I'm afraid of heights, so i don't like going on roller coasters.

2. Having a sense of unease or apprehension about a particular situation or person.

Example: She was afraid to walk home alone at night because of the recent crime in the area.

3. Being hesitant or unwilling to do something because of fear or uncertainty.

Example: He was afraid to speak in public, so he declined the opportunity to give a presentation.

4. Showing signs of fear or nervousness through body language or behavior.

Example: The dog cowered in the corner, afraid of the thunderstorm outside.

5. Expressing concern or worry about something.

Example: I'm afraid that we won't be able to finish the project on time.

Examples of the word afraid used in sentences.

  • He was afraid to speak in public.
  • Are you afraid of dogs?
  • They are afraid of the dark.
  • She is afraid of heights.
  • I am afraid of spiders.
  • They're afraid of getting lost in the city, so they always carry a map with them.
  • He was afraid of heights, but he still decided to try bungee jumping to face his phobia.
  • I'm afraid of heights, so I won't be going on that roller coaster.
  • He was afraid of losing his job, so he worked extra hard to meet his targets.
  • My little sister is afraid of the dark, so I always leave the light on for her.
  • Mary was afraid of speaking in public, but with some practice, she learned how to conquer her stage fright.
  • She's afraid of speaking in public, but she's been practicing to overcome her fear.
  • The little boy was afraid of dogs, so his parents had to steer clear of parks with canine visitors.
  • She was afraid to walk alone in the dark after hearing about recent robberies in the area.
  • I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow due to a prior appointment.
  • The loud noises coming from the construction site make their dog afraid and anxious.
  • She was afraid of losing her job due to the company's recent downsizing.
  • He was afraid to ask his boss for a raise, but he knew he deserved it after all his hard work.
  • Despite being an experienced driver, she felt afraid of driving in heavy rain.
  • Many people are afraid of flying, but statistically, it is safer than driving on the road.
  • Despite being afraid of heights, he decided to conquer his fear and climb the tallest mountain in the region.
  • He was afraid of speaking in public, but with practice, he overcame his fear.
  • She was afraid of the dark as a child, but now she finds it peaceful and calming to sleep without any light.
  • The child was afraid of the dark and always had a night light on.
  • She was afraid of losing her job and worked tirelessly to ensure it didn't happen.
  • Many people are afraid to try new things, preferring instead to stick with what's familiar and comfortable.
  • Despite his years of experience, the seasoned sailor couldn't help feeling a bit afraid when faced with the churning waves of the stormy sea.
  • As a child, I was always afraid of the dark, certain that something sinister lurked in the shadows waiting to pounce.
  • There are times when I feel afraid of the future, uncertain about what lies ahead and whether I have what it takes to handle it.
  • She was afraid to speak up in the meeting, worried about the reaction she might receive from her intimidating boss.
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