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Aside Definition & Meaning

1. A remark or comment made quietly to oneself or to someone else, intended to be heard by only a few people.

Example: She whispered an aside to her friend during the play.

2. A theatrical device in which a character speaks directly to the audience, breaking the fourth wall.

Example: In the middle of the scene, the main character delivered an aside, revealing his true feelings.

3. To set something apart or to one side.

Example: She put the book aside and started working on her homework.

4. In addition to or apart from the main subject.

Example: Aside from his love of music, he was also passionate about painting.

5. To disregard or ignore something.

Example: She decided to put her worries aside and enjoy the day.

Examples of the word aside used in sentences.

  • Aside from my family, my favorite thing in the world is the beach.
  • Can you please set aside some time to chat with me later?
  • Aside from studying, I also enjoy playing video games in my free time.
  • I need to put this book aside and focus on finishing my homework.
  • Aside from studying, I also enjoy painting as a hobby.
  • Aside from the rain, the weather is perfect for a picnic.
  • Aside from the traffic, the commute to work wasn't too bad today.
  • Can I speak with you aside from the rest of the group?
  • Aside from the cold weather, the scenery in the mountains was breathtaking.
  • We need to set aside some money for our upcoming vacation.
  • Aside from my daily job, I enjoy playing video games.
  • Let's put aside our plans for tonight and just relax at home instead.
  • Aside from the rain, the weather is actually quite pleasant today.
  • The teacher set aside some extra time for students who needed help with the assignment.
  • Can we set aside our differences and work towards a common goal?
  • Aside from the high cost, the long commute was also a major factor in my decision to decline the job offer.
  • Please put your phone aside during the meeting to avoid distractions.
  • Aside from studying, she also enjoys playing the guitar as a hobby.
  • Let's put our differences aside and work together to achieve our common goal.
  • I set aside some time every day for meditation and reflection.
  • We need to put aside our differences and work together as a team to achieve our goals.
  • Aside from the occasional argument, my sister and I have a very close relationship.
  • Aside from his academic achievements, he also excels in sports.
  • Aside from the usual suspects, there were some surprising nominees at this year's awards ceremony.
  • The professor set aside some time after class to answer any lingering questions his students had.
  • Living in London, aside from the high cost of living, has been a dream come true for me.
  • Aside from her professional success, Jane always makes time to volunteer in her community.
  • Aside from the occasional disagreement, my relationship with my partner is wonderful.
  • Aside from the breathtaking scenery, the national park also offers numerous hiking trails for visitors to explore.
  • I set aside some money every month for unexpected expenses.
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