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Assure Definition & Meaning

1. To make someone feel confident or certain about something.

Example: I assure you that the package will arrive on time.

2. To promise or guarantee something.

Example: The company assured its customers that the product is safe to use.

3. To provide insurance or protection against loss or damage.

Example: The insurance policy will assure that your property is covered in case of theft.

4. To give someone emotional support or comfort.

Example: The counselor assured the patient that they are not alone in their struggles.

5. To confirm or verify something.

Example: The witness assured the court that they saw the defendant at the scene of the crime.

Examples of the word assure used in sentences.

  • The teacher assured the students that they would have enough time to finish the exam.
  • The airline company assured the passengers that the flight would depart on time.
  • I assure you that the book you're looking for is on the shelf over there.
  • The doctor assured me that the medicine would make me feel better soon.
  • The restaurant assured us that the food was gluten-free and suitable for my friend's diet.
  • We can assure you that our product is of the highest quality.
  • I assure you that the food at this restaurant is delicious.
  • The doctor assured me that the procedure would be painless.
  • He assured me that he would be at the meeting on time.
  • She assured her children that there was nothing to be afraid of.
  • Can you please assure me that the delivery will arrive on time?
  • The company's CEO assured the employees that their jobs will be secure despite the pandemic.
  • The politician assured the public that he would work towards improving the education system.
  • I assure you that we have taken all necessary safety measures before reopening the restaurant.
  • The doctor assured the patient that the medication prescribed would alleviate the symptoms of the illness.
  • He assured his boss that he would complete the project on time.
  • She assured me that she would be on time for our meeting.
  • We assure our customers that our products are of high quality.
  • I can assure you that the weather is going to be sunny today.
  • The doctor assured me that my son's fever will go down soon.
  • He assured his boss that he would finish the project before the deadline.
  • Can you assure me that the package will be delivered on time?
  • We can assure you that our products are of the highest quality.
  • I assure you that the hotel is very clean and comfortable.
  • The company's CEO assured the employees that their jobs were secure despite the economic downturn.
  • The doctor assured the patient that the surgery was a success and there were no complications.
  • I assure you, we have taken all the necessary precautions to ensure your safety during the event.
  • The travel agent assured us that we would have a fantastic holiday with plenty of activities to keep us busy.
  • Could you please assure me that you will be on time for our meeting tomorrow?
  • Our team captain assured us that we had a good chance of winning the game.
  • The company assured me that my package would arrive on time.
  • I assure you that I have nothing but the utmost respect for your opinion.
  • I can assure you that this product is of the highest quality.
  • The doctor assured me that the surgery would be successful.
  • She assured me that she would help me with my homework.
  • The hotel manager assured the guest that their complaint would be addressed promptly and that they would be compensated accordingly.
  • The doctor assured the patient that the surgery was routine and had a high success rate.
  • The company's CEO wanted to assure its employees that their jobs were secure despite the current economic crisis.
  • The airline pilot assured the passengers that the turbulence was normal and there was nothing to worry about.
  • The government minister assured the public that the new policy would benefit everyone in the long run.
  • As a teacher, it's important to assure your students that with hard work and dedication, they can achieve their goals.
  • The bride-to-be wanted to assure her fiancé that she was committed to spending the rest of her life with him.
  • The doctor assured the patient that the surgery would be successful, but that they needed to follow a strict post-operative plan.
  • The CEO assured the shareholders that the company would continue to thrive despite the economic downturn.
  • Despite the harsh criticism from her peers, she assured her team that she knew what she was doing.
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