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Backwards Definition & Meaning

1. Directed or facing towards the rear or opposite direction.

Example: He walked backwards to avoid facing the crowd.

2. Reversed or inverted in order or sequence.

Example: The teacher read the story backwards, starting from the end.

3. Regressive or contrary to progress or development.

Example: The company's outdated practices were holding it backwards.

4. Unintelligible or difficult to understand.

Example: The handwriting was so messy, it was almost backwards.

5. Contrary to the normal or expected way of doing something.

Example: She put her shoes on backwards and had to switch them around.

Examples of the word backwards used in sentences.

  • The teacher asked the students to spell their names backwards.
  • Sarah read her book backwards starting from the last chapter.
  • My little brother loves to wear his shirt backwards.
  • I walked backwards through the park.
  • John's car accidentally drove backwards down the hill.
  • The little boy walked backwards all the way down the stairs, giggling with excitement.
  • She accidentally put her shoes on backwards and didn't realize until she got to the office.
  • The car accident caused him to fall backwards onto the pavement.
  • I struggle to read backwards writing, it always makes my head hurt.
  • When I tried to fix the clock, I accidentally put the hands on backwards and it stopped working altogether.
  • I can't ride a bike backwards, it's too difficult.
  • The athlete broke her record by running backwards for the last few meters of the race.
  • The teacher rewound the video backwards to explain the concept again.
  • I accidentally put my shirt on backwards this morning.
  • The movie had a unique plot where the story was told backwards.
  • Let's try walking backwards around the park!
  • I accidentally put my shirt on backwards this morning.
  • Can you read this word backwards?
  • The clock is ticking backwards!
  • I can't walk backwards very well.
  • The teacher sometimes teaches the lessons backwards, starting with the conclusion.
  • I cannot ride my bike backwards, it's too difficult.
  • Instead of progress, we are moving backwards in terms of technology.
  • He read the book backwards because he wanted to see the ending first.
  • She walked backwards to get a better view of the sunset.
  • It's important to always check your work backwards to ensure there are no errors.
  • The teacher made us recite the pledge of allegiance backwards as a fun challenge.
  • I accidentally put my shirt on backwards this morning and had to fix it before leaving the house.
  • The car was parked backwards, making it difficult for me to pull out of the spot.
  • I never learned how to ride a bike backwards, only forwards.
  • The athlete successfully completed the tricky obstacle course, even doing some stunts backwards.
  • The child had to walk backwards, slowly and cautiously, down the steep staircase.
  • The film was played backwards to create a surreal effect, leaving the audience stunned.
  • Despite being a difficult task, he managed to solve the puzzle backwards.
  • The company's strategy seemed to be taking them backwards instead of forward.
  • Alice was determined to learn how to spell the word "artificial" backwards, and she spent hours practicing until she finally succeeded.
  • The magician impressed the audience with his rare ability to walk up and down the stairs backwards.
  • To get to the main road, turn right at the intersection and then reverse backwards until you reach the traffic lights.
  • Despite his excellent academic performance, Mark walked out of his final exam room backwards, feeling utterly demotivated and unsure of himself.
  • Despite the temptation to do so, learning a new language cannot be done backwards.
  • It's disorienting to drive backwards down a one-way street, even by accident.
  • The team had to retrace their steps backwards in order to find the missing piece of evidence.
  • In order to understand the present, it's important to examine history backwards.
  • Backwards thinking often leads to irrational conclusions and faulty logic.
  • The famous painter received numerous criticisms for his unconventional art style, which many viewers considered to be nothing more than a representation of reality backwards.
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