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Beautifully Definition & Meaning

1. In a beautiful manner; pleasing to the senses or mind.

Example: She sang beautifully and brought tears to everyone's eyes.

2. In a skillful or admirable way; with excellence.

Example: The chef prepared the meal beautifully, with every dish perfectly cooked.

3. In a graceful or elegant way; with poise and finesse.

Example: The ballerina moved beautifully across the stage, her movements fluid and effortless.

4. In a pleasing or attractive way; with charm or allure.

Example: The garden was beautifully landscaped, with colorful flowers and lush greenery.

5. In a harmonious or balanced way; with symmetry and proportion.

Example: The architecture of the building was beautifully designed, with clean lines and a modern aesthetic.

Examples of the word beautifully used in sentences.

  • The bride walked down the aisle beautifully in her gown.
  • The sunset looked beautifully painted across the sky.
  • She sings beautifully in the choir.
  • He painted the landscape beautifully with vivid colors.
  • The rose bloomed beautifully in the garden.
  • The dress she wore to the party fit her beautifully and looked stunning.
  • She played the piano beautifully during the recital.
  • The beach was beautifully decorated with colorful umbrellas and chairs.
  • The sunset was beautifully colored with shades of orange and pink.
  • The flowers in the garden bloomed beautifully after the rain shower.
  • She sang the song so beautifully that it brought tears to everyone's eyes.
  • The sunset over the ocean was beautifully vibrant with shades of orange and pink.
  • The garden was beautifully decorated with bright flowers and lush greenery.
  • The old building was beautifully restored, preserving its historical charm and character.
  • The chef presented the dish beautifully, with colorful garnishes and intricate plating.
  • The flowers in the park are beautifully blooming in the spring.
  • The ocean views in Hawaii are beautifully breathtaking.
  • She sings beautifully at the church choir every Sunday.
  • The ballet dancer gracefully and beautifully twirls on stage.
  • My grandmother painted the sunset beautifully on her canvas.
  • The artist painted the landscape scene beautifully with vivid colors.
  • The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully this year.
  • The ballerina dances beautifully on stage.
  • The sunset over the ocean was beautifully breathtaking.
  • She sings beautifully in the choir at church.
  • She sings beautifully and could easily become a professional singer if she wanted to.
  • The park is beautifully landscaped with flowers, trees, and paths that make it a great place to relax.
  • The sunset over the ocean was so beautifully vibrant that we all stopped to watch it.
  • The painter captured the beauty of the mountain range so beautifully that you feel like you're standing there yourself.
  • My friend's new laptop works beautifully, and it's a real joy to use.
  • The sunset over the ocean was beautifully picturesque, painting the sky with a range of colors.
  • She sang beautifully during the performance, captivating the audience with her voice.
  • The flowers in the garden were beautifully arranged, creating a stunning display.
  • The museum exhibit was beautifully curated, showcasing the art in a unique and expressive way.
  • The food was beautifully presented, enticing everyone to take a bite before photographing it.
  • The chef presented the dish so beautifully that it was almost too pretty to eat, with each ingredient carefully arranged like a work of art.
  • The artist painted the sunset sky so beautifully that it looked like a masterpiece, with every brushstroke adding depth and texture to the scene.
  • The musician played the violin beautifully, perfectly capturing the emotion of the piece and sending shivers down the audience's spines.
  • The sunrise over the mountains was a beautifully serene moment, filling me with a sense of peace and awe.
  • The ballerina moved beautifully across the stage, captivating the audience with each graceful step.
  • She sang the aria so beautifully that the audience was moved to tears.
  • The chef presented each dish beautifully, with precise plating and thoughtful garnishes.
  • The sunset over the ocean was beautifully painted with a gradient of orange and pink hues.
  • The way the flowers bloomed in her garden was beautifully synchronized, creating a picturesque scene.
  • The architecture of the building was beautifully intricate, with elaborate carvings and detailed mosaics.
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