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Bill Definition & Meaning

1. A statement of charges for goods or services rendered.

Example: The restaurant presented us with the bill after we finished our meal.

2. A proposed law presented to a legislative body for consideration.

Example: The senator introduced a bill to increase funding for public schools.

3. A piece of paper money.

Example: The cashier handed me a ten-dollar bill in exchange for my purchase.

4. A bird's beak.

Example: The pelican used its bill to scoop up fish from the water.

5. A poster or advertisement displayed in a public place.

Example: The movie theater put up a bill advertising the latest blockbuster film.

Examples of the word bill used in sentences.

  • Can you please settle the electricity bill, it's already overdue.
  • My dad pays the water bill every month, but I don't know how much it costs.
  • I got a bill for my lunch today, it was very expensive.
  • I lost my bill at the restaurant, can you help me find it?
  • John gave me a bill for the services he provided, but it was more than what we agreed on.
  • Can you split the restaurant bill with me, please?
  • I need to pay my phone bill before the end of the month.
  • I always check my bill thoroughly to avoid overcharges.
  • My dad received a hefty electricity bill last week.
  • The government is proposing a new bill to reduce carbon emissions.
  • I always pay my credit card bill on time to avoid any late payment fees or penalties.
  • Can you split the bill with me at the restaurant? I don't have enough cash on me.
  • I was shocked when I received my electricity bill this month, it was double the amount I usually pay.
  • The Senate is set to pass a new bill that will increase funding for public schools across the country.
  • My landlord sent me a bill for the repairs that were done in my apartment after the water leak.
  • The bird built a nest in the mailbox and we couldn't get our bills.
  • My dad always forgets to pay the phone bill and it always gets disconnected.
  • Can you help me pay the electricity bill for this month?
  • The doctor gave me a bill for the consultation fee.
  • The bill for my meal at the restaurant was very reasonable.
  • The restaurant bill was more than I expected.
  • Can you pay the bill, please?
  • I received a bill from the mechanic for fixing my car.
  • My phone bill is due tomorrow.
  • My roommate and I split the utility bills.
  • The government is proposing a new bill to increase funding for public schools in the area.
  • I always check my phone bill at the end of the month to avoid any surprises.
  • My landlord sends me a bill every month for my rent and utilities.
  • I need to pay my electricity bill before the due date to avoid any late fees.
  • The restaurant bill was much higher than expected due to the expensive wine we ordered.
  • The utility company sent an enormous bill due to the increased consumption of electricity during the winter months.
  • The veterinary's bill was surprisingly high after my dog's surgery.
  • The government passed a new bill to reform the education system.
  • I received a bill for the damages caused to the rental car during my last trip.
  • My uncle paid the bill at the fancy restaurant we went to last night.
  • The restaurant bill turned out to be higher than expected, but the delicious meal made it worth it.
  • The new tax bill proposed by the government is causing controversy and debate amongst citizens.
  • Despite the ongoing pandemic, I managed to pay my bills and stay afloat financially this year.
  • My grandfather was a skilled carpenter and could create intricate designs for wood-carved bird bills.
  • The electric bill skyrocketed after we installed a pool in our backyard, but we're enjoying it so much that it's worth the extra expense.
  • The tax bill was due tomorrow, but I paid it early to avoid any potential late fees.
  • The electricity bill for this month was incredibly high, I must have forgotten to turn off some appliances.
  • The singer's new album surpassed all expectations and quickly climbed to the top of the Billboard charts.
  • The restaurant bill at the upscale eatery was so exorbitant that I had to dip into my savings.
  • There has been a bill proposed in Congress that aims to increase funding for early childhood education.
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