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Board Definition & Meaning

1. A flat piece of wood or other material used for various purposes, such as writing, cutting, or playing games.

Example: She wrote her shopping list on a board.

2. A group of people who manage or oversee a company or organization.

Example: The board of directors made the decision to merge with another company.

3. A flat surface on which a person can stand or ride, such as a surfboard or skateboard.

Example: He loves to ride his board down the hill.

4. A group of people who judge or evaluate something, such as a board of examiners or review board.

Example: She had to present her research to the review board.

5. A piece of wood or other material used to cover or close an opening, such as a board over a broken window.

Example: He nailed a board over the hole in the fence.

Examples of the word board used in sentences.

  • I need to buy a new board game to play with my family on the weekend.
  • We missed the train because we arrived at the platform after the boarding had begun.
  • The school board made a decision to change the school schedule starting next month.
  • Can you please pass me the cutting board to chop the vegetables?
  • I have a whiteboard in my classroom to write notes and draw pictures.
  • I wrote my shopping list on the back of a board.
  • The teacher wrote the new vocabulary words on the board.
  • The board game was so much fun; we played it all night long.
  • We need to buy a new cutting board for the kitchen.
  • They are planning to go surfing on the board tomorrow.
  • You must always remember to board the bus on time, or you will miss it.
  • The surfers waited patiently for the waves to form and then quickly board on their boards.
  • After finishing my lunch, I wrote a note on the board for the next shift worker.
  • The board of directors decided to invest more in renewable energy sources.
  • I always carry a white board to my class for brainstorming with my students.
  • I need a board to write down my shopping list.
  • The teacher wrote the new lesson on the board.
  • I am going to put up a notice on the board about the party.
  • We can play board games if it rains outside.
  • Can you please clean the white board after class?
  • I need a chalk board for my presentation tomorrow.
  • Can you please write the meeting agenda on the white board?
  • I wrote a message on the bulletin board asking for volunteers.
  • The kitchen board is used to cut vegetables and fruits.
  • The surf board was too heavy for me to carry.
  • Can you please write the daily menu on the board so that everyone can see it?
  • The surfers grabbed their boards and ran towards the beach as they saw a huge wave approaching.
  • The company director announced a new rule that all employees must complete a whiteboard training session before starting their work.
  • The school board meeting was postponed until next week due to unexpected circumstances.
  • I always carry a board game with me when I go on vacation with my family.
  • I need to buy a new bulletin board to keep track of all my appointments and deadlines.
  • As a member of the board, I strongly recommend investing in new equipment for our manufacturing plant.
  • The surfers were eager to hit the waves and ride the board like pros.
  • The flight attendant announced that all passengers should now board the plane and fasten their seatbelts.
  • After a long day of snowboarding, we sat by the fire and enjoyed a warm cup of cocoa.
  • After a long day of snowboarding, I sat down on the wooden board and enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa with my friends.
  • The conductor raised his baton and signaled the orchestra to come to the stage, and the musicians took their place on the elevated board.
  • As a member of the board of directors, Grace was responsible for making critical decisions about the company's future.
  • As a teacher, I often use the white board to explain complex concepts and engage my students.
  • The surfers eagerly grabbed their boards and headed out to catch some waves at dawn.
  • As a board member of the charity organization, he made sure that every penny donated was put to good use.
  • The company's board of directors were impressed with the innovative marketing strategy proposed by the new CEO.
  • She had been practicing hard to get on the national chess board, and her hard work finally paid off when she won the championship.
  • The professor wrote complex mathematical equations on the whiteboard, challenging the students to solve them on the board as a group exercise.
  • The surfers waited eagerly for the perfect wave to ride on as they paddled out to the board.
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