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Captain Definition & Meaning

1. A person who is in charge of a ship or aircraft.

Example: The captain of the titanic was responsible for the safety of all passengers and crew.

2. A leader or commander of a team or group.

Example: The captain of the football team led his teammates to victory.

3. A military rank above lieutenant and below major.

Example: He was promoted to captain after serving in the army for five years.

4. A person who is skilled at navigating or operating a vehicle or machine.

Example: She became the captain of the robotics team due to her expertise in programming.

5. A title given to a person who is the head of a company or organization.

Example: The captain of the company made the final decision on the new product launch.

Examples of the word captain used in sentences.

  • I want to be a captain of my own business someday.
  • The captain of the soccer team scored the winning goal.
  • The captain of the airplane welcomed us aboard before takeoff.
  • The captain of the ship directed us to the nearest port.
  • My captain for the day is my dad.
  • The little boy was excited to play the role of a captain in the school play about pirates.
  • The airline captain announced that we would be landing in a few minutes and advised us to fasten our seat belts.
  • Captain Hook is one of the most famous villains in literature and movies.
  • The captain of the team always motivates us to give our best shot in every game.
  • As the captain of the ship, he was responsible for the safety of all crew members and passengers.
  • The young boy's dream was to become a captain of his own pirate ship someday.
  • The captain ordered the crew to prepare for a storm as they sailed through rough waters.
  • After years of hard work, she finally became the captain of the ship.
  • The captain of the football team was ecstatic after winning the championship.
  • The captain of the police force worked diligently to ensure the safety of his officers and the community.
  • The captain of the ship made the difficult decision to divert course due to the storm.
  • The football team respected their captain's strategic plays and leadership on the field.
  • As the captain of the debate team, it was her responsibility to lead her team to victory.
  • The airline pilot announced to the passengers that they would soon be landing, after receiving clearance from the tower captain.
  • The captain of the airplane announced that they would be experiencing some turbulence during the flight.
  • The captain of the ship skillfully navigated through the stormy waters to ensure the safety of his crew and passengers.
  • The airline captain announced that the flight would be delayed due to bad weather conditions.
  • The rugby captain's bravery and determination during the game earned him the admiration of his team and fans.
  • The captain's charisma and leadership qualities inspired his team to work harder and achieve their goals.
  • As the captain of the team, he had to make tough decisions in order to lead his team to victory.
  • The captain of the company was known for his innovative ideas and strong leadership skills.
  • The captain of the cruise ship greeted us warmly as we boarded for our week-long voyage.
  • As the captain of the football team, he led his team to victory in the championship game.
  • The captain of the airplane made an announcement to the passengers about the upcoming turbulence.
  • The captain of the debate team presented a convincing argument on the topic of climate change.
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