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Chase Definition & Meaning

1. To pursue someone or something in order to catch or capture them.

Example: The police chased the thief through the crowded streets.

2. To follow or pursue someone or something in order to achieve a goal.

Example: She chased her dream of becoming a professional athlete for years.

3. To decorate or ornament something with a repetitive pattern.

Example: The artist chased intricate designs onto the silver bracelet.

4. To drive or force someone or something to move quickly.

Example: The wind chased the leaves down the street.

5. To hunt or search for something relentlessly.

Example: The detective chased down every lead in the case until he found the culprit.

Examples of the word chase used in sentences.

  • The police chased the thief through the streets.
  • I like to chase butterflies in the park.
  • We couldn't catch the ball because it kept rolling away when we tried to chase it.
  • The dog chased the cat around the yard.
  • My friend's cat loves to chase the laser pointer all around the room.
  • The detective spent weeks chasing clues in order to solve the mystery.
  • During recess, the children played a game of tag and took turns being "it" and chasing each other around.
  • My neighbor's dog loves to chase squirrels up trees.
  • After the thief robbed the store, the police officer chased him on foot.
  • She chased her dreams and became a successful entrepreneur.
  • The children chased after the ice cream truck as it drove down the street.
  • Emily was determined to chase away her fears and speak in public.
  • After finishing his work, John decided to chase his dream of becoming a musician.
  • The police chased the robber through the busy streets of the city.
  • The police were in hot pursuit of the suspect, chasing him through the busy streets of the city.
  • I'm tired of chasing after my dreams; I need to start making them a reality.
  • After a long day at work, I enjoy going for a run to clear my mind and chase away stress.
  • The children were playing tag and laughed as they chased each other around the playground.
  • My dog loves to chase after squirrels in the park, but he never catches them.
  • The cat chased the mouse around the house until it finally caught it.
  • My dog loves to chase squirrels up trees, but he's never once been able to catch one.
  • After months of hard work and dedication, I was finally able to chase down my dream job at the top engineering firm in the city.
  • The thrill of the chase is what makes hunting such an exhilarating and adrenaline-fueled sport.
  • Despite his best efforts, the police were unable to chase down the suspect before he disappeared into the night.
  • As a young child, I loved to chase after butterflies and capture them in a jar.
  • As a young child, he loved nothing more than chasing after butterflies in the park, mesmerized by their graceful fluttering wings.
  • Despite the risks involved, the adrenaline rush of a high-speed chase was almost irresistible to the experienced driver.
  • Her dreams of becoming a record holder in the 100-meter dash kept her motivated to chase after her goals, no matter how daunting they seemed.
  • The detective was relentless in his chase for the elusive suspect, scouring every possible lead until he finally caught up with him.
  • She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as she chased after the elusive thrill of a great adventure.
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