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Chemistry Definition & Meaning

1. Chemistry is the scientific study of matter and its properties, composition, and interactions.

Example: I am studying chemistry in order to better understand the behavior of elements and compounds.

2. Chemistry can refer to the emotional or romantic connection between two people.

Example: There was an undeniable chemistry between the two actors on set.

3. Chemistry can also refer to the combination of different elements or substances to create a new product.

Example: The chemistry of baking involves combining flour, sugar, and eggs to create a cake.

4. Chemistry can refer to the chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Example: Understanding the chemistry of digestion is important for maintaining a healthy diet.

5. Chemistry can also refer to the compatibility or harmony between different things or ideas.

Example: There is a chemistry between the characters in the book that makes the story more engaging.

Examples of the word chemistry used in sentences.

  • I studied chemistry in school and learned about atoms and molecules.
  • I have great chemistry with my best friend, we understand each other very well.
  • Chemistry is important in cooking because it helps us understand how ingredients interact with each other.
  • There is a strong chemistry between the two actors in this romantic movie.
  • Chemistry is a branch of science that explores the properties and behavior of matter.
  • I have always been interested in chemistry, especially in the way atoms combine to make molecules.
  • The chemistry of cooking is fascinating, it's amazing how different ingredients can react and transform into delicious dishes.
  • Our company is developing new materials using innovative chemistry methods to create more sustainable products.
  • I failed my chemistry exam last week, but with a bit more practice, I hope to improve my grade.
  • The chemistry between Jane and her new boyfriend is undeniable, they seem to be a perfect match.
  • Chemistry is a fascinating subject, especially when you learn about the periodic table and chemical reactions.
  • There is a lot of chemistry involved in cooking; for instance, the Maillard reaction that browns food.
  • Understanding the chemistry of the environment can help us find ways to reduce pollution and protect natural resources.
  • Studying chemistry plays an important role in developing new drugs to cure diseases.
  • To have a successful relationship, you need both emotional and physical chemistry.
  • The molecular structure of this compound is incredibly complex, and only someone with advanced knowledge of chemistry could understand it fully.
  • The chemistry between the two actors in that movie was so strong that their on-screen romance seemed very real.
  • There's no denying that there's a certain chemistry between us, but I'm not sure if it's enough to sustain a long-term relationship.
  • To understand the reaction taking place in the laboratory, you need to have a good grasp of the principles of chemistry.
  • The toxicity of this substance is so high that even a minute quantity can trigger a chemical reaction with devastating consequences, as any chemistry expert will tell you.
  • With their combined knowledge of chemistry, the researchers were able to discover a groundbreaking new material that could have endless applications.
  • In order to fully understand the chemical reactions at play, you will need a strong background in chemistry.
  • The new chemistry teacher was known for her lively and engaging lessons, making the subject more interesting for students.
  • The chemistry between the two actors was so intense, it felt like they were truly in love.
  • She couldn't deny the chemistry between them, even though she knew it was a bad idea to pursue him.
  • As the chemist mixed the complex formula, he marveled at the chemistry between the different elements and their reactions.
  • The chemistry between the coach and the team was palpable, and it propelled them to victory in the championship game.
  • When the two scientists met for the first time, they immediately recognized the chemistry and mutual respect they shared.
  • There was an undeniable chemistry between the two actors on stage, and the audience could feel the heat between them.
  • The company needed to find a new CEO with great chemistry and leadership skills to take it to the next level.
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