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Cigarette Definition & Meaning

1. A small cylinder of finely cut tobacco wrapped in paper, intended for smoking.

Example: He lit a cigarette and took a deep drag.

2. A tobacco product that is addictive and harmful to health.

Example: Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of lung cancer.

3. A common form of smoking tobacco, often used socially or as a stress-reliever.

Example: She smoked a cigarette to calm her nerves before the job interview.

4. A type of smoking device that is commonly used worldwide.

Example: In some cultures, smoking cigarettes is seen as a sign of social status.

5. A source of controversy due to its negative health effects and potential for addiction.

Example: The government has implemented laws to discourage the sale of cigarettes to minors.

Examples of the word cigarette used in sentences.

  • I don't smoke cigarette because it's not good for my health.
  • Can I borrow a cigarette from you, please?
  • It is against the law to smoke cigarette in public places in some countries.
  • My father used to smoke cigarette but he quit last year.
  • I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, it makes me cough and my eyes water.
  • Smoking a cigarette is harmful to your health.
  • Can I bum a cigarette off of you? I forgot mine at home.
  • My friend smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and I worry about their health.
  • I quit smoking cigarettes a year ago and feel much better now.
  • The smell of cigarette is really strong and makes me uncomfortable.
  • Smoking a cigarette after dinner was his way of relaxing. (habit)
  • Can I bum a cigarette from you? I left mine at home. (social)
  • The ashtray was overflowing with cigarette butts. (environment)
  • Despite the health warnings, he still smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. (health)
  • She lit a cigarette and blew smoke into the air, lost in thought. (expression)
  • Despite the high taxes and fees, many people still choose to buy cigarettes, leading to a significant source of revenue for the government.
  • The smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the air, providing a constant reminder of the nearby smoking section.
  • Despite the health warnings, John couldn't resist lighting up a cigarette and taking a long, deep drag.
  • After years of smoking, Sarah's lungs had suffered irreversible damage and she regretted ever starting to smoke cigarettes.
  • It was a difficult habit to break, but with determination and willpower, Elizabeth successfully quit smoking cigarettes.
  • As an ex-smoker, Mary cringed at the sight of a cigarette and the memories it brought back.
  • The cigarette butt flicked onto the sidewalk was evidence of the inconsiderate behavior of some individuals.
  • Many countries have implemented strict laws to prohibit smoking in public places, including cigarette advertising.
  • Despite knowing the health risks, Jack couldn't resist smoking a cigarette after a long day at work.
  • The smell of cigarette smoke wafted through the air as the partygoers stepped out onto the balcony.
  • He flicked his cigarette butt to the ground, oblivious to the fact that he was littering and contributing to pollution.
  • The smell of cigarette smoke was overpowering, causing me to cough and choke as I made my way through the smoky room.
  • Despite the numerous health warnings, some people still refuse to give up their daily cigarette habit.
  • As a health-conscious person, I would never consider smoking a cigarette, no matter the circumstances.
  • Her hand shook as she lit her cigarette, knowing full well the harm it would cause to her body.
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