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Commitment Definition & Meaning

1. A promise or pledge to do something, often requiring dedication and effort.

Example: "i made a commitment to exercise every day for a month."

2. The state of being dedicated and loyal to a person or cause.

Example: "his commitment to his family was unwavering."

3. An obligation or responsibility to fulfill a task or duty.

Example: "as a teacher, i have a commitment to educate my students to the best of my ability."

4. The act of entrusting something to someone or something.

Example: "the company's commitment to quality control was evident in their rigorous testing process."

5. A willingness to make sacrifices or endure difficulties in order to achieve a goal.

Example: "the athlete's commitment to training paid off when he won the championship."

Examples of the word commitment used in sentences.

  • Anna and Tom's marriage is built on love and commitment to each other.
  • The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and becoming more environmentally friendly.
  • I made a commitment to exercise everyday to improve my health.
  • John is showing his commitment to his job by working long hours.
  • I admire your commitment to learning a new language at your age.
  • Sally's commitment to her family and friends is evident by the time and effort she puts into maintaining those relationships.
  • Lisa's commitment to her studies has earned her a scholarship to university.
  • Our company's commitment to reduce its carbon footprint has led to the implementation of several eco-friendly policies.
  • John's commitment to helping the homeless community is truly inspiring.
  • I have made a commitment to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
  • John has demonstrated his commitment to his education by studying every night.
  • Making a commitment to recycle is a small but impactful way to help the environment.
  • Our company values the commitment and dedication of its employees.
  • My friend has a strong commitment to social justice and is actively involved in advocacy work.
  • I have made a commitment to exercise every morning before work.
  • As a dedicated teacher, Ms. Johnson's commitment to her students goes beyond the classroom; she works tirelessly to ensure their success.
  • To succeed in anything, one must have a strong commitment to their goals and be willing to put in the necessary work.
  • The company's commitment to social responsibility is evident in its sustainability efforts and support for local communities.
  • Ryan's commitment to his family is evident in the sacrifices he makes to provide for them and create a comfortable life.
  • Despite facing various challenges, John's unwavering commitment to his fitness regime has helped him achieve his desired physique.
  • Tom's commitment to his faith is admirable, as he spends countless hours volunteering at his local church and helping those in need.
  • John's commitment to his family is evident in the way he always puts their needs above his own and is always there to provide support and guidance when needed.
  • In order to succeed in business, one must have a strong commitment to hard work and perseverance.
  • As a professional athlete, Sarah has made a deep commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and rigorous training regimen.
  • Sarah's commitment to her studies is unwavering, and she never lets anything get in the way of achieving her academic goals.
  • I have made a lifelong commitment to learning and personal growth, and I am always seeking new opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills.
  • As a leader, I have a strong commitment to ensuring the well-being and success of my team.
  • The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in their use of renewable energy sources and waste reduction initiatives.
  • A successful romantic relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and commitment to each other's happiness and well-being.
  • Achieving my fitness goals requires unwavering commitment to staying disciplined with my diet and exercise routine.
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