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Communication Definition & Meaning

1. Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or feelings between individuals or groups.

Example: Effective communication is essential for a successful relationship.

2. Communication is the process of conveying a message through various channels such as verbal, written, or nonverbal means.

Example: The speaker used body language to enhance the communication of his message.

3. Communication is the act of sharing thoughts, opinions, or experiences with others.

Example: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other.

4. Communication is the ability to understand and interpret messages accurately.

Example: Misunderstandings can occur when there is a breakdown in communication.

5. Communication is the art of listening and responding to others in a respectful and meaningful way.

Example: Good communication skills are essential in the workplace to build strong relationships with colleagues and clients.

Examples of the word communication used in sentences.

  • Good communication is important in a relationship to avoid misunderstandings.
  • I use my phone to communicate with my family who lives far away.
  • We need to improve our communication skills to work better as a team.
  • I don't understand what you're saying, can you communicate it in a simpler way?
  • Communication with our boss has been difficult since we started working from home.
  • Effective communication is essential in any relationship, whether it's between spouses or coworkers.
  • My English teacher advised me to improve my communication skills, especially when speaking in public.
  • Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings, so it's important to be clear and precise when communicating with others.
  • Non-verbal communication can be just as important as what we say when we're trying to convey a message.
  • Thanks to modern technology, communication has become faster and easier than ever before.
  • Despite speaking different languages, the diplomats were able to establish clear communication using hand gestures and facial expressions.
  • Good communication skills are necessary for anyone hoping to succeed in a leadership position.
  • Effective communication is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family.
  • The teacher used a variety of communication techniques to ensure that all students in the class understood the lesson.
  • The company's success depends largely on open communication between management and employees.
  • Cross-cultural communication can be challenging, but also very rewarding.
  • Effective communication skills are highly valued in the workplace.
  • Online communication has become increasingly important in today's digital age.
  • Good communication is essential for a successful team project.
  • Miscommunication can cause serious problems in any relationship.
  • In today's interconnected world, clear and concise communication is essential for ensuring mutual understanding between people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Effective communication plays a crucial role in fostering healthy relationships with those around us.
  • Good communication skills are a must-have for anyone seeking to succeed in the modern workforce.
  • The advent of social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other.
  • Globalization has greatly expanded opportunities for cross-cultural communication and collaboration.
  • The advancement of technology has greatly enhanced communication, allowing individuals to connect with others from around the world instantly.
  • Cross-cultural communication can be challenging, but it is essential for building understanding and respect across diverse communities.
  • Miscommunication is a common cause of conflict in the workplace, which can lead to decreased productivity and morale.
  • Good communication skills are essential for successful leadership, enabling managers to inspire and motivate their teams towards achieving common goals.
  • Effective communication is essential for fostering strong and healthy relationships between individuals.
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