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Complicate Definition & Meaning

1. To make something more difficult or complex than necessary.

Example: She always manages to complicate even the simplest tasks.

2. To involve or entangle someone or something in a difficult or confusing situation.

Example: The new regulations will only complicate matters further.

3. To cause confusion or uncertainty in a situation.

Example: His sudden arrival complicated things for everyone involved.

4. To add unnecessary details or information to something.

Example: The author tends to complicate his stories with too many subplots.

5. To make something more intricate or sophisticated.

Example: The designer's goal was to complicate the pattern to create a more interesting look.

Examples of the word complicate used in sentences.

  • Sometimes life can be complicated, but I try to simplify it by focusing on the things that matter most to me.
  • Cooking can sometimes complicate things, but with practice it becomes easier.
  • I find it difficult to understand a foreign language, it can really complicate things for me.
  • When we argue, it often seems to complicate our relationship.
  • The instructions for assembling the furniture were so complicated, it took me hours to figure it out.
  • The language barrier can complicate communication when traveling to foreign countries.
  • Don't complicate things by overthinking everything - sometimes the simplest solution is the best one.
  • He tried to explain his feelings, but ended up only complicating the situation further.
  • Cooking can sometimes complicate things, especially if you're trying a new recipe.
  • The new tax policy has only served to complicate matters for small business owners.
  • The situation at work became even more complicating when the new manager took over.
  • Planning a wedding can be complicated, but with the help of a wedding planner, it becomes less stressful.
  • Filling out tax forms can be quite complicated, especially for those who are self-employed.
  • Choosing a college major can be complicated, as there are many factors to consider.
  • Learning a new language can be a bit complicated, but with practice and patience, it becomes easier.
  • Trying to understand quantum mechanics can be incredibly complicate for someone without a science background.
  • The legal system can be very complicate to navigate without the help of a professional.
  • The instructions were so complicate that I had to ask for help.
  • I found myself in a complicate situation when I realized I had accidentally deleted an important file.
  • Managing a team can be quite complicate, especially when there are conflicting personalities.
  • The new tax laws have complicated the process of filing my annual returns.
  • The relationship between my ex-spouse and I was complicated, with a lot of unresolved issues.
  • The experiment was designed to test a simple hypothesis, but the results turned out to be quite complicated.
  • Trying to juggle a demanding job and a family can be extremely complicated, and requires a lot of careful planning.
  • The company's decision to expand into new markets has only served to complicate an already difficult situation.
  • The ongoing conflict between the two nations has only served to further complicate the already tense situation.
  • Learning a new language can be complicated, but with determination and practice it can be mastered.
  • Even the simplest of tasks can become complicated if you overthink and second-guess yourself.
  • It is difficult to navigate the complicated labyrinth of bureaucracy when trying to start a new business.
  • The new tax regulations have only served to complicate an already convoluted system.
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