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Cost Definition & Meaning

1. The amount of money or resources required to produce or acquire something.

Example: The cost of building a new house is estimated to be $300,



3. The negative consequences or sacrifices that result from a particular action or decision.

Example: The cost of staying up late to finish the project was feeling tired and unproductive the next day.

4. The price paid for goods or services.

Example: The cost of a cup of coffee at the café is $



6. The effort or time required to achieve something.

Example: The cost of becoming a successful musician is years of practice and dedication.

7. The loss or damage incurred as a result of something.

Example: The cost of the car accident was a totaled vehicle and a broken arm.

Examples of the word cost used in sentences.

  • The cost of the movie ticket was too high for me to afford.
  • Traveling during the off-season can save you a lot of money on accommodation costs.
  • She decided to buy the cheaper brand of shampoo to cut down on her monthly costs.
  • He couldn't believe the cost of the meal at the fancy restaurant they went to.
  • The repair costs for my car were more expensive than I expected.
  • We need to reduce our energy consumption to lower the cost of our electricity bill.
  • The cost of living in this city is higher than in my hometown.
  • The cost of a cup of coffee is quite reasonable at this café.
  • I need to compare the cost of different brands before buying a new phone.
  • The cost of traveling during peak season can be very expensive.
  • I'm trying to cut costs by cooking at home instead of eating out every day.
  • The cost of repairing my car was higher than I anticipated, but it was worth it in the end.
  • The cost of living in this city is quite high compared to other places.
  • The environmental cost of using plastic bags is immense and we should switch to reusable bags.
  • The cost of the concert tickets was exorbitant, but I couldn't pass up the chance to see my favorite artist perform.
  • We need to calculate the total cost of our upcoming project before starting it.
  • Investing in renewable energy may seem expensive at first, but it can significantly reduce the long-term cost of energy production.
  • The emotional cost of losing a loved one is immeasurable.
  • The company is trying to reduce manufacturing costs to remain competitive.
  • The cost of living in this city is becoming increasingly high.
  • Despite the high cost of living in the city, many young professionals are still drawn to the vibrant energy and multitude of career opportunities.
  • The environmental cost of our consumer-driven society is becoming increasingly apparent, as global warming and pollution continue to wreak havoc on our planet.
  • The social and emotional costs of the global pandemic cannot be underestimated, as many people have lost their loved ones, their jobs, and their sense of community.
  • The company's new initiative to cut costs by outsourcing jobs has angered many employees who feel their job security is being compromised.
  • The cost of healthcare in the United States is notoriously high, with many citizens struggling to afford even basic medical treatments.
  • The cost of repairing the damages caused by the hurricane was staggering, leaving many residents struggling to rebuild their homes and businesses.
  • Despite the exorbitant cost of living in the city, many people still flock to it for its diverse opportunities.
  • The cost of healthcare has been a contentious issue for many years, with debates raging on about how to make it more affordable and accessible for everyone.
  • The environmental cost of industrialization has been devastating, with many species going extinct and ecosystems irreversibly altered.
  • The social cost of substance abuse is often overlooked, with many addicts losing their jobs, families, and ultimately their lives.
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