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Cupboard Definition & Meaning

1. A piece of furniture with shelves or compartments used for storing dishes, food, or other household items.

Example: I keep all my spices in the cupboard above the stove.

2. An enclosed space in a room or building used for storage.

Example: The cleaning supplies are in the cupboard under the sink.

3. A small closet or cabinet used for storing clothes or linens.

Example: She folded the towels neatly and put them in the linen cupboard.

4. A compartment in a desk or cabinet used for storing papers or files.

Example: The important documents are in the locked cupboard in the office.

5. A small recess or alcove in a wall used for storage.

Example: He found a hidden cupboard behind the bookshelf.

Examples of the word cupboard used in sentences.

  • I keep my clothes in the cupboard.
  • Can you please put the box in the cupboard for me?
  • The cupboard is full of plates and glasses.
  • I found a book that I had been searching for in the cupboard.
  • When I was a child, my mom used to store cookies in the cupboard.
  • I keep my clothes in the cupboard.
  • The cupboard door was stuck and wouldn't open.
  • The medicine cupboard is located in the bathroom.
  • She found some snacks in the kitchen cupboard.
  • There are some old books in the cupboard.
  • I reached for the cereal box in the cupboard and realized it was empty.
  • We keep all of our cleaning supplies in the cupboard under the sink.
  • After a long day at work, I found solace in the cupboard full of snacks.
  • My grandmother's antique teapot is on display in the cupboard in the dining room.
  • After moving into my new apartment, I discovered that the cupboard in the kitchen was too small to hold all my groceries.
  • The smell of mothballs coming from the cupboard reminded me of my childhood visits to my grandparents' house.
  • My grandmother always keeps her special tea set in the cupboard which she inherited from her mother.
  • I had to stand on a stool to reach the top shelf of the cupboard where I kept my favorite books.
  • When I opened the cupboard, I found my old photo album that I had been searching for a long time.
  • The teacher asked the student to retrieve a textbook from the cupboard at the back of the classroom.
  • I always keep a stash of chocolate bars in my bedroom cupboard for emergency cravings.
  • The beautiful antique vase I found at the flea market is now proudly displayed in my cupboard.
  • When I was little, I used to hide in the pantry cupboard and eat cookies in secret.
  • My cat loves to climb onto the kitchen cupboard to steal treats when I'm not looking.
  • The storage cupboard in the hallway is bursting with winter coats and boots.
  • The antique cupboard had been passed down through generations of the family, and held a treasure trove of memories within its wooden frame.
  • Frustrated, she slammed the cupboard door shut, the sound echoing through the kitchen as she stormed out.
  • Despite being filled to the brim, the cupboard had a certain organized chaos to it that only its owner could decipher.
  • The little boy tiptoed to the pantry cupboard, hoping to sneak a cookie without his mother noticing.
  • As she reached for a glass from the cupboard, she realized how much she had relied on her morning coffee to get through the day.
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