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Customs Definition & Meaning

1. Customs refers to the government agency responsible for regulating the import and export of goods in a country.

Example: The customs officer inspected my luggage at the airport.

2. Customs can also refer to the traditional practices and behaviors of a particular group or society.

Example: The customs of the indigenous tribe included wearing colorful clothing and performing traditional dances.

3. Customs can mean the fees or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods.

Example: The customs duties on luxury goods were increased by the government.

4. Customs can refer to the act of adapting or modifying something to suit one's preferences or needs.

Example: She customized her car by adding a new sound system and custom paint job.

5. Customs can mean the habitual way of doing things in a particular organization or group.

Example: The company had a customs policy of always greeting customers with a smile.

Examples of the word customs used in sentences.

  • In my country, it's customary to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.
  • I learned about different customs and traditions from all around the world in my social studies class.
  • I always declare my goods at customs when I travel internationally.
  • The customs officer checked my passport and asked me why I was visiting the country.
  • My favorite customs are exchanging gifts during the holidays and cooking a big meal with my family.
  • While attending a wedding in India, I was amazed by the beautiful traditional customs and costumes.
  • The customs officials at the airport were very thorough in checking our bags.
  • When I travel to a new country, I always make sure to research the customs beforehand.
  • In my hometown, it's a common custom to greet each other with a handshake.
  • It's important to respect the customs and beliefs of other cultures, even if they differ from our own.
  • The customs officer at the airport asked to see my passport and stamped it before allowing me to enter the country.
  • My friends and I like to exchange small gifts as part of our New Year's customs.
  • When traveling abroad, it's important to learn about local customs and traditions to avoid offending anyone.
  • In some cultures, it is customary to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.
  • The local customs can be quite fascinating to observe, especially during festivals and holidays.
  • As a small business owner, being knowledgeable about customs and taxes can help streamline your importing and exporting processes.
  • The customs of our ancestors have been passed down through generations, serving as a connection to our cultural heritage.
  • Understanding local customs is crucial for travelers to avoid unintentionally causing misunderstandings or offense.
  • Many countries have strict customs regulations, and it's important to know what items are allowed or prohibited before crossing the border.
  • In some cultures, it's customary to remove one's shoes before entering a household as a sign of respect for the homeowner.
  • Some customs can be seen as strange or unusual to outsiders, but they hold a deep meaning and significance to those who practice them.
  • In many cultures, gift-giving is an important custom to show appreciation and build relationships with others.
  • When entering a new country, it's important to become familiar with their customs and traditions to avoid any cultural misunderstandings.
  • The customs of the local community play a significant role in shaping their beliefs and values.
  • As a business traveler, it's essential to understand the customs and etiquette of your destination to make a good impression and build positive relationships with clients.
  • The new employee quickly adapted to the company's customs and practices, earning the respect of her colleagues.
  • The airport customs agent scrutinized my passport and luggage before allowing me entry into the country.
  • As a frequent traveler, I am well-versed in the customs and regulations of different countries.
  • Certain customs and traditions passed down through generations can provide a sense of identity and belonging.
  • In some cultures, it is customary to remove your shoes before entering someone's home as a sign of respect.
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