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Definite Definition & Meaning

1. Clearly defined or determined - something that is certain and precise.

Example: The deadline for the project is definite, it's due on friday.

2. Having no doubt or uncertainty - something that is unquestionable.

Example: It's definite that she won the race, she crossed the finish line first.

3. Distinct or specific - something that is easily recognizable or identifiable.

Example: The definite feature of the painting is the use of bright colors.

4. Precise or exact - something that is accurate and specific.

Example: The instructions for the recipe were definite, each ingredient was measured precisely.

5. Conclusive or final - something that is settled and cannot be changed.

Example: The verdict of the trial was definite, the defendant was found guilty.

Examples of the word definite used in sentences.

  • I am definite that I want to eat sushi for dinner tonight.
  • There is a definite chill in the air this morning.
  • It is definite that I will be attending the concert next week.
  • I have a definite preference for chocolate ice cream over vanilla.
  • Can you give me a definite answer about whether you will join us for the party?
  • There's definitely something wrong with this computer.
  • There's no definite answer to that question.
  • The answer was definite and clear.
  • There's a definite possibility that it will rain later today.
  • I have a definite plan for the weekend.
  • There is definitely something wrong with my car engine.
  • The company has a definite plan for expansion in the next year.
  • I have a definite preference for spicy food over bland ones.
  • The weather forecast shows a definite probability of rain tonight.
  • He has a definite talent for playing the piano.
  • There is a definite improvement in his grades since he started studying more.
  • I need a definite answer from you about whether you're coming to the party or not.
  • The company's plans for expansion are not yet definite, but they are considering several options.
  • There was a definite sense of excitement in the air as the concert started.
  • The coach had a definite strategy for winning the game, and the team executed it perfectly.
  • The doctor gave a definite diagnosis after conducting a thorough medical examination.
  • The CEO's decision to invest in new technology was based on a definite growth forecast.
  • The travel itinerary was not definite, as it depended on weather and other unforeseen circumstances.
  • The results of the experiment provide a definite answer to the research question.
  • The team's training and preparation gave them a definite advantage over their opponents.
  • It's best to book your flight in advance to ensure a definite seat on the plane.
  • After thorough investigation, the forensic team had a definite answer to the cause of the fire.
  • The movie had a definite impact on the audience, leaving them speechless and emotional.
  • The CEO stated that there was a definite increase in productivity since the implementation of the new software.
  • The scientists were able to prove with definite evidence that climate change is a real and pressing issue.
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