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Dig Definition & Meaning

1. To break up, turn over, or remove earth or soil using a tool such as a shovel or a hoe.

Example: I need to dig a hole for the new tree i bought.

2. To search for something by moving or turning over material with a tool or one's hands.

Example: I dug through my closet to find my favorite shirt.

3. To understand or discover something through investigation or inquiry.

Example: I had to dig deep to find out the truth about the situation.

4. To like or enjoy something very much.

Example: I really dig this new band i discovered.

5. To poke or prod with a pointed object.

Example: My cat likes to dig her claws into the couch.

Examples of the word dig used in sentences.

  • The dog likes to dig holes in the backyard.
  • We need to dig deeper to find the root of the problem.
  • I like to dig through old books at the library.
  • She likes to dig in the garden and plant flowers.
  • He used a shovel to dig a hole for the tree.
  • He dug through the pile of clothes to find his favorite shirt.
  • I need to dig a hole for the new tree that I just bought.
  • We’re planning to dig into our savings to pay for the trip.
  • She couldn't help but dig into the delicious cake before dinner.
  • My dog loves to dig in the garden and find buried treasures.
  • My dog loves to dig holes in the backyard.
  • The farmer dug trenches to irrigate his crops during the dry season.
  • As a detective, it's important to dig deeper into the evidence to find the truth.
  • The archaeologist carefully dug up the ancient artifact from the ground.
  • I couldn't find my keys, so I had to dig through my backpack.
  • The children love to dig in the sand at the beach and create sandcastles.
  • We need to dig into our savings to pay for the unexpected car repairs.
  • The detective had to dig deep to uncover the truth behind the mysterious case.
  • The archaeologist found ancient artifacts while digging up the ruins of a lost city.
  • My grandfather would dig up the garden every spring to prepare it for planting season.
  • As a historian, I dig deep into archives and excavate long-lost documents to uncover forgotten truths of the past.
  • We'll need to dig a bit deeper into the data to find out the root cause of this problem and identify a solution.
  • I can't wait to dig into my favorite dish of spaghetti carbonara, one of the most delicious pasta dishes around!
  • My grandfather always had a green thumb and loved to dig around in his garden, planting new seeds and nurturing his plants.
  • When it comes to challenging puzzles or riddles, I enjoy using my mental agility to dig deep into my own knowledge and find the answer.
  • After years of research, the archaeologists were finally able to dig up ancient artifacts from the site.
  • I cannot believe you were able to dig up that information about the company in such a short time!
  • Despite the challenges, the team was able to dig deep and deliver a truly innovative solution.
  • As a gardener, I always ensure that I dig deep into the soil before planting anything to ensure optimal growth.
  • The author's ability to dig deep into the psyche of his characters made the novel truly captivating.
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