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Disappointed Definition & Meaning

1. Feeling let down or dissatisfied because expectations were not met.

Example: I was disappointed when my favorite restaurant didn't have my favorite dish on the menu.

2. Frustrated or disheartened due to a failure or setback.

Example: The team was disappointed after losing the championship game.

3. Unhappy or displeased with a person's behavior or actions.

Example: I was disappointed in my friend for not keeping their promise.

4. Feeling disillusioned or betrayed by someone or something.

Example: The voters were disappointed in the politician's broken promises.

5. Not achieving a desired outcome or result.

Example: She was disappointed that she didn't get the job after the interview.

Examples of the word disappointed used in sentences.

  • My friend was disappointed when she failed her driving test.
  • I was disappointed when my favorite restaurant was closed yesterday.
  • I was disappointed that it rained during my beach vacation.
  • My mom was disappointed that I didn't call her on her birthday.
  • I was disappointed with the quality of the movie I watched last night.
  • We were all disappointed that the concert was cancelled.
  • I was so disappointed when I didn't pass my driving test.
  • She was disappointed when her team lost the game.
  • He was disappointed to hear that his application for the job was denied.
  • I'm really disappointed that the restaurant ran out of my favorite dish.
  • We were all disappointed when the flight was delayed and we had to wait for six hours at the airport.
  • I was disappointed to hear that the concert had been cancelled.
  • Sarah was disappointed with her exam results, but she knew she could do better next time.
  • I was disappointed when I tried the new restaurant and the food wasn't as good as I had hoped.
  • David was disappointed that his team didn't win the championship, but he was proud of their effort.
  • She looked disappointed when she saw the grade she got on her math test.
  • I'm disappointed that I won't be able to attend my cousin's wedding due to work obligations.
  • The team's coach was disappointed with their performance during the game.
  • My friend was disappointed that the restaurant we wanted to go to was closed.
  • I was disappointed when I found out that the concert had been cancelled.
  • He was disappointed to discover that the book he had been searching for was sold out at the bookstore.
  • Despite her years of hard work and dedication, she was disappointed to learn that she did not receive the promotion she had been hoping for.
  • After eagerly anticipating the new restaurant opening in town, we were disappointed to find out that the food was not as good as we had heard.
  • Despite their best efforts, the team was disappointed to lose the championship game by only one point.
  • I was disappointed with my exam results, but I know I can do better next time if I put in more effort.
  • After years of hard work, I was disappointed to learn that I was passed over for the promotion yet again.
  • Despite the high expectations, I was disappointed by the lackluster performance of the famous pianist.
  • I was disappointed with the quality of the food at the fancy restaurant, especially considering the exorbitant prices.
  • It was a beautiful day for a picnic, but we were disappointed to find out that the park was closed for renovation.
  • Despite his promises, the politician failed to deliver on his campaign pledges, leaving many voters disappointed and disillusioned.
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