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Disc Definition & Meaning

1. A flat, round object used for playing games or storing information.

Example: The disc for the video game was scratched and wouldn't work properly.

2. A circular plate used in machinery to transmit power or motion.

Example: The brake disc on the car needed to be replaced.

3. A thin, flat slice of material, such as metal or wood.

Example: The carpenter cut a disc of wood to use as a base for the table.

4. A topic or subject that is discussed or debated.

Example: The panel discussed the hotly debated disc of climate change.

5. A phonograph record or compact disc used for playing music.

Example: The dj put on a disc of classic rock to get the party started.

Examples of the word disc used in sentences.

  • The teacher gave us a disc with important information for the exam.
  • Can you please disc the soil before planting the seeds?
  • I accidentally scratched the disc while trying to remove it from the case.
  • We need to have a disc to watch the movie on our DVD player.
  • My friend gave me a disc with his favorite songs on it.
  • The new DVD release caused quite a buzz among movie buffs, who were eager to add the disc to their collection.
  • Learning how to use the pitch disc on a DJ mixer is an important skill for anyone who wants to create their own music mixes.
  • Before starting the meeting, make sure to set some ground rules for the discussion in order to have a productive discourse.
  • The cafeteria worker reminded the students to place their used plates and cups in the dishwashing disc to keep the area clean.
  • As a vinyl enthusiast, I love to carefully place each disc on my record player to enjoy the sound quality.
  • The disc golf course had some challenging obstacles, but it was still a fun activity for the whole family.
  • The disc was scratched, so the music skipped and stuttered.
  • The doctor recommended a disc replacement surgery for the patient suffering from chronic back pain.
  • The new employee was informed of the strict confidentiality policy and told to always respect the disc of sensitive information.
  • The history department ordered a disc containing maps of ancient civilizations to help with their research.
  • If you want to improve your physical conditioning, incorporating disc sports like ultimate frisbee or disc golf can be a fun way to do it.
  • The band's latest album is a marked departure from their previous work, featuring a much more experimental sound that puts the disc's production values front and center.
  • Although vinyl records never fully went out of style, the recent resurgence in their popularity has resulted in a new generation of music fans discovering the unique sound qualities of this classic disc format.
  • After years of playing video games alone in his room, John finally built up the courage to join a local D&D group where he could socialize and discuss his favorite disc-based RPGs.
  • The disc containing all of our company's financial data has gone missing, and we're afraid it might have fallen into the wrong hands.
  • As a fitness instructor, I always encourage my clients to engage in a disc of their dietary habits and make healthier choices.
  • The panelists were engaged in a heated disc over the merits of renewable energy sources versus traditional sources.
  • The therapist facilitated a productive disc between the couple to help them resolve their long-standing communication issues.
  • During the brainstorming session, we had a lively disc about the pros and cons of our advertising strategy.
  • The politician tried to steer the disc away from her past controversial statements and focus on her plans for education reform.
  • The musician composed a beautiful disc ordant melody that captured the audience's attention.
  • The athlete's disc iplined training paid off with a gold medal at the Olympics.
  • The lawyer presented compelling evidence to disc redit the witness's testimony.
  • The scientist made a groundbreaking disc overy that revolutionized the way we understand genetics.
  • The teacher led a fascinating disc ussion on the impact of technology on society.
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