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Discuss Definition & Meaning

1. To talk about a topic or issue with others in order to exchange ideas and opinions.

Example: Let's discuss the pros and cons of starting a new project.

2. To consider or examine something in detail through conversation or debate.

Example: We need to discuss the budget for next year's event.

3. To engage in a conversation or debate with someone.

Example: I want to discuss my concerns with the manager.

4. To negotiate or come to an agreement through conversation.

Example: Let's discuss the terms of the contract before signing it.

5. To bring up a topic for consideration or review.

Example: We need to discuss the changes to the company policy.

Examples of the word discuss used in sentences.

  • Let's discuss our favorite foods!
  • Let's discuss our plans for the weekend!
  • It's important to discuss safety tips when traveling abroad.
  • We should discuss the pros and cons of living in the city versus the countryside.
  • Can we discuss the best way to study for exams?
  • Can we please discuss the new policies that our company is implementing?
  • Let's discuss our plans for the weekend.
  • My friends and I often discuss our favorite movies and TV shows.
  • The teacher asked us to discuss the main themes of the novel we just read.
  • We should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources.
  • It would be great to discuss the latest trends in the fashion industry during our lunch break.
  • Can we discuss different options for team-building activities for the upcoming retreat?
  • We need to discuss the current political situation and its impact on our business operations.
  • Let's discuss the new marketing strategy for our product launch in next week's meeting.
  • I think we should discuss the importance of mental health awareness in our workplace.
  • In class, we will discuss the pros and cons of renewable energy sources.
  • The debate will allow students to discuss their views on the effectiveness of social media.
  • Let's set up a meeting to discuss potential solutions to the company's budget deficit.
  • During the meeting, we should discuss the recent changes made to the project plan.
  • The group needs to discuss the implications of the new regulations that were passed.
  • Let's discuss the implications of the new trade agreement on our industry during the conference next week.
  • It's crucial for us to discuss the best approaches to solving the ongoing issue of global warming.
  • The political candidates will have the opportunity to discuss their platforms and answer questions from the audience in the upcoming debate.
  • In today's meeting, we will discuss the proposed changes to the company's work policies.
  • During our literature class, we will discuss the themes and motifs present in the assigned novel.
  • In order to solve this ethical dilemma, we need to sit down and discuss all possible implications.
  • Before we can finalize our business proposal, we must discuss the financial projections and cost analysis.
  • It's essential to discuss the potential risks and benefits of any new medication with your doctor before taking it.
  • Our team needs to discuss strategies for improving customer satisfaction and enhancing our brand image.
  • Let's discuss the latest research findings on sustainable agriculture and devise a plan to implement them.
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