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Disgusted Definition & Meaning

1. Feeling strong aversion or revulsion towards something or someone.

Example: The sight of the moldy food in the fridge disgusted me.

2. Being extremely displeased or disappointed with something.

Example: I was disgusted with the poor quality of service at the restaurant.

3. Feeling nauseated or sickened by something.

Example: The smell of the garbage made me feel disgusted.

4. Being offended or repelled by something morally or ethically wrong.

Example: I was disgusted by the politician's corrupt actions.

5. Feeling a strong sense of distaste or loathing towards something.

Example: The taste of the spoiled milk in my cereal left me feeling disgusted.

Examples of the word disgusted used in sentences.

  • I am disgusted by the smell of dirty socks.
  • She felt disgusted when she saw a rat in her kitchen.
  • They were disgusted by the food served at the restaurant.
  • The teacher was disgusted by the students' lack of respect for each other.
  • He looked disgusted after tasting the spoiled milk.
  • I felt disgusted when I saw the state of the public restroom.
  • The customer was disgusted by the poor customer service at the restaurant.
  • My sister is always disgusted when I eat spicy food.
  • Sarah was disgusted by the smell of the fish at the market.
  • Tom was completely disgusted when he saw the amount of trash littering the park.
  • She was disgusted to find a hair in her food at the restaurant.
  • The politician's actions left many citizens feeling disgusted and betrayed.
  • He felt disgusted after watching the horror movie.
  • I am disgusted by the way some people treat animals.
  • I was disgusted by the amount of plastic waste I saw on the beach.
  • As a vegetarian, she was disgusted by the sight of raw meat in the supermarket.
  • The way the company treated their employees with no respect for their efforts and dedication disgusted the entire community.
  • Sarah was disgusted by the rude behavior of her colleague during the meeting and decided to speak up.
  • The dirty and smelly environment of the public restrooms left me completely disgusted.
  • After hearing about the political scandal, John felt disgusted by the corruption in government.
  • The way that some people treat animals in slaughterhouses is so appalling that it makes me feel disgusted to be part of the same species.
  • As a vegan, I was absolutely disgusted to find out that the salad I had ordered contained bacon bits.
  • I was completely disgusted with myself for not standing up to my boss when he made inappropriate comments towards me at work.
  • Hearing about the politician's corrupt behavior left me feeling utterly disgusted with the state of our government.
  • When I saw the amount of plastic waste strewn across the beach, I felt disgusted at the blatant disregard for our planet's health.
  • I was disgusted by the lack of hygiene in the public restroom and couldn't bring myself to use it.
  • My friend's habit of spitting on the sidewalk every few minutes utterly disgusted me.
  • As a vegetarian, I was disgusted when I learned about the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms.
  • The way the politician lied to the public during the campaign disgusted me.
  • The sight of the overflowing garbage bin on the street corner left me feeling disgusted and ashamed of our society's wastefulness.
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