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Distance Definition & Meaning

1. The amount of space between two points or objects.

Example: The distance between new york and los angeles is approximately 2,800 miles.

2. The extent or measure of separation between two things.

Example: There was a great distance between their opinions on the matter.

3. A lack of closeness or intimacy in a relationship.

Example: The distance between them grew as they spent less time together.

4. The length of a race or sporting event.

Example: The marathon distance is

5. 2 miles.


6. A remote or far-off location.

Example: The cabin was located at a distance from the nearest town.

Examples of the word distance used in sentences.

  • The distance between New York and Los Angeles is about 2,800 miles.
  • We need to keep a safe distance from other people during the pandemic.
  • Can you help me measure the distance between these two points on the map?
  • I have to walk a long distance to get to work every morning.
  • The distance from my house to the park is not very far.
  • We are able to maintain social distance by wearing face masks and staying 6 feet apart.
  • My favorite thing to do is to go on long distance runs.
  • I live a short distance away from the beach.
  • The distance from New York to California is over 2,500 miles.
  • It's hard to keep a friendship going when you're at a long distance.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to maintain a safe distance from each other.
  • I need to measure the distance of the bookshelf from the wall before I decide where to place it.
  • The distance between my home and office is not that far.
  • To achieve my fitness goals, I need to gradually increase the distance I run every day.
  • The long distance relationship between Sarah and her boyfriend is going strong.
  • He had to walk a long distance to reach the nearest store.
  • Despite the distance between them, their friendship remained strong.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has made distance learning an essential means of education.
  • The distance from the mountain top provided a stunning view of the valley.
  • In order to maintain social distance, the seating arrangement at the movie theater was altered.
  • The company decided to relocate to reduce the distance between the employees and their customers.
  • During the pandemic, social distancing became an essential measure to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • The athlete managed to run the distance in record time.
  • Despite the distance between them, their friendship remained strong.
  • It's difficult to appreciate the distance of the stars in the sky without the help of a telescope.
  • The distance between the two buildings was too far to bridge with a single jump.
  • Despite the distance between us, we have managed to maintain a close relationship.
  • The distance runners in the marathon were determined to cross the finish line no matter what.
  • The telescope allowed astronomers to observe distant stars and galaxies with great clarity.
  • The pandemic has forced many people to work from a distance, relying on technology to communicate.
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