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Division Definition & Meaning

1. Division refers to the act of separating or splitting something into parts.

Example: The teacher asked the students to solve a division problem by dividing the cake into equal slices.

2. Division can also refer to a group or unit within a larger organization or company.

Example: The marketing division of the company is responsible for promoting the new product.

3. In mathematics, division is an arithmetic operation that involves dividing one number by another.

Example: The answer to the division problem 12 ÷ 4 is



5. Division can also refer to a disagreement or conflict between people or groups.

Example: The division between the two political parties has become increasingly contentious.

6. In sports, division refers to a grouping of teams within a league based on geographical location or other factors.

Example: The new york yankees are part of the american league east division.

Examples of the word division used in sentences.

  • "We learned how to do division in math class today."
  • "My family has a division of labor, where my dad cooks and my mom cleans."
  • "The company's sales division is responsible for bringing in new clients."
  • "The country has several divisions that are based on geographical regions."
  • "In sports, teams are divided into different divisions based on their level of skill."
  • There is a division among the members of the group regarding the project's direction.
  • The country is divided into different regions with their own unique cultures.
  • The company's sales division is responsible for generating revenue.
  • The coach divided the team into two groups for a scrimmage.
  • In math class, we learned about long division.
  • The division of labor among team members made our project run more smoothly.
  • The math teacher taught us long division in class yesterday.
  • The education system in this country needs to address the deep divisions in access to quality education.
  • The company's decision to create a new division for their environmental products has been well-received.
  • Political divisions in the country have led to an increase in protests and unrest.
  • The sales division at the company is responsible for generating revenue.
  • The division between wealthy and poor countries is becoming increasingly vast.
  • The math teacher taught his students how to perform long division.
  • The community was torn apart by a bitter division over a controversial issue.
  • The political party suffered a major division due to opposing viewpoints on immigration policy.
  • The division of labor between the architects and engineers helped to speed up the building construction process.
  • The religious division in the community has led to several violent clashes in the recent past.
  • The math teacher taught us a range of techniques to solve long division problems in class today.
  • The introduction of a new product line will result in the division of the company into two distinct entities.
  • The political division among the citizens is posing a grave threat to the nation's stability.
  • The division of labor allows for specialization and higher productivity in many industries.
  • In mathematics, long division is a fundamental technique used to solve complex equations.
  • The political division within the country has created a climate of social unrest and uncertainty.
  • The division of power between the executive and legislative branches is a crucial aspect of any democratic government.
  • The company's recent division into separate business units has led to increased efficiency and profitability.
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