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Dog Definition & Meaning

1. A domesticated mammal, typically kept as a pet or used for hunting or guarding.

Example: My dog loves to play fetch in the park.

2. A person who is regarded as unpleasant or contemptible.

Example: Don't be such a dog and help me clean up.

3. A metal support for logs in a fireplace.

Example: The fire was roaring thanks to the logs on the dog.

4. A mechanical device for holding or gripping something.

Example: The clamp was held in place by a dog.

5. A hot dog, a type of sausage served in a bun.

Example: I'll have a chili dog and fries, please.

Examples of the word dog used in sentences.

  • I have a small dog that loves to cuddle with me on the couch.
  • I love taking my dog for walks on sunny days.
  • My dog likes to chase squirrels in the park.
  • Dogs are loyal and make great companions.
  • The neighbor's dog barks loudly every morning and wakes me up.
  • I have a cute little dog named Max.
  • My dad likes to take our dog for a walk in the park.
  • Can you please take care of my dog for the weekend?
  • My neighbor's dog barks loudly every morning.
  • I always give my dog a bone as a treat.
  • Every morning, the sound of my neighbor's dog barking wakes me up before my alarm does.
  • I have a friend who is allergic to dogs, so I can't bring mine over to their place.
  • Seeing a guide dog helping its owner navigate through the city streets is truly inspiring.
  • You should make sure to keep your dog on a leash when walking near busy roads to keep them safe.
  • My dog loves to play fetch in the park, she could do it all day!
  • The domestication of dogs can be traced back thousands of years, with evidence of them being kept as pets and working animals in many ancient civilizations.
  • If you want to adopt a dog, it's important to choose a breed that suits your lifestyle and personality, as each one has unique traits and temperaments.
  • Guide dogs are trained to be obedient, reliable, and attentive, providing invaluable assistance to individuals with visual impairments.
  • Despite their small size, Chihuahuas make great watch dogs thanks to their alertness and vocal nature.
  • Many people believe that owning a dog can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and providing a sense of companionship and purpose.
  • As soon as he opened the car door, the excited dog leapt out and ran around the yard, his tail wagging non-stop.
  • As an animal lover, Mark found it impossible to watch the heart-wrenching footage of dogs being mistreated and abused.
  • Despite her love for dogs, Maria couldn't adopt one as her small apartment was not spacious enough.
  • After the storm, the rescue team used a dog to track down any survivors who might have been trapped under the rubble.
  • Whenever they went for a walk, Rachel's dog would eagerly pull on the leash, sniffing around for any interesting scents.
  • The agility and trainability of the dog breed made it a popular choice for law enforcement agencies in detecting narcotics and explosives.
  • The dog's incessant barking became a source of frustration for the neighborhood, prompting the owner to seek professional help.
  • The dog's acute sense of smell has been proven invaluable in detecting early signs of cancer in humans.
  • The dog's natural ability to form strong bonds with their owners has been known to alleviate loneliness and even depression in some individuals.
  • Despite the dog's reputation as man's best friend, some people still find themselves uncomfortable in the presence of dogs.
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