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Ease Definition & Meaning

1. The state of being comfortable and relaxed.

Example: After a long day at work, he sank into the couch with a sigh of ease.

2. To make something less difficult or burdensome.

Example: The new software update will ease the process of creating invoices.

3. To move or progress smoothly and without difficulty.

Example: The boat eased into the harbor, guided by the experienced captain.

4. To lessen or alleviate pain or discomfort.

Example: The medication helped to ease the patient's chronic back pain.

5. To be lenient or forgiving towards someone.

Example: Despite his mistake, his boss decided to ease up on him and not fire him.

Examples of the word ease used in sentences.

  • I found the directions to your house with ease.
  • The warm bath did wonders to ease my sore muscles after a long day at work.
  • The medication helped to ease my headache quickly.
  • The new software program is designed for ease of use.
  • The baby slept with ease, thanks to the rocking motion of the cradle.
  • After weeks of strenuous workouts, the athlete felt a sense of ease as he finally surpassed his personal best record.
  • The warm sunshine and calm atmosphere brought an ease to the group's picnic by the lake.
  • She found it difficult to sleep, but the gentle breeze from the window brought an ease to her mind.
  • The new software program is designed to ease the process of creating presentations.
  • The therapist recommended deep breathing exercises to help ease her anxiety and stress levels.
  • The use of public transportation can ease the traffic congestion in the city.
  • Regular exercise can ease joint pain and improve mobility.
  • The new software program is designed to ease the process of data entry.
  • Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed can ease insomnia.
  • The warm sunshine at the beach helped ease my tension and stress.
  • The yoga instructor emphasized the importance of using proper breathing techniques to ease tension in the body.
  • The new software is designed to ease the process of creating complex financial reports.
  • The doctor prescribed medication to ease the patient's chronic pain.
  • The company implemented new policies to ease communication among team members.
  • Taking a relaxing vacation can often ease the stress of daily life.
  • The calming sound of the waves lapping at the shore created a sense of ease within me.
  • She faced the interview with ease, confident in her abilities.
  • The company's prompt response added to the ease and convenience of the customer experience.
  • The new ergonomic chairs provided ease and comfort for the employees.
  • With the ease of modern technology, communication has never been simpler.
  • The gentle breeze eased the sweltering heat on a hot summer day.
  • The luxurious spa treatment helped ease my tension and stress.
  • The supportive community helped ease her transition into a new environment.
  • The user-friendly interface of the software made the task much easier to complete.
  • Despite the complexity of the situation, she handled it with ease.
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