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Embarrassing Definition & Meaning

1. Causing feelings of shame or discomfort.

Example: It was embarrassing to trip and fall in front of everyone at the party.

2. Awkward or difficult to deal with.

Example: It's embarrassing to have to ask for help with something you should know how to do.

3. Revealing a personal weakness or flaw.

Example: It's embarrassing to admit that you're afraid of something that others find easy.

4. Inappropriate or socially unacceptable behavior.

Example: It's embarrassing to be caught talking loudly on your phone in a quiet library.

5. Failing to meet expectations or standards.

Example: It's embarrassing to get a low grade on a test you studied hard for.

Examples of the word embarrassing used in sentences.

  • When my phone rang loudly in the library, it was really embarrassing.
  • It's so embarrassing when I get lost and have to ask for directions.
  • It was embarrassing when I tripped and fell in front of everyone.
  • I forgot my lines during the school play, it was so embarrassing.
  • My mom made an embarrassing mistake while introducing herself to my new friends.
  • I felt embarrassed when my stomach grumbled loudly in the quiet classroom.
  • It was embarrassing when I spilled coffee on my shirt during the meeting.
  • Losing my balance and falling down in the crowded mall was really embarrassing.
  • It was embarrassing to realize that I had been mispronouncing the word all along.
  • I found it embarrassing when my mom told my date embarrassing stories about me.
  • It's always embarrassing when my phone rings in the middle of a meeting.
  • It was embarrassing when I showed up to the party dressed in the same outfit as someone else.
  • It was embarrassing when my stomach growled loudly during the silent meditation session.
  • I was so embarrassed when I tripped and fell in front of my crush.
  • I felt embarrassed when I forgot my lines during the school play.
  • She was mortified when she realized she had been calling her new colleague by the wrong name for the past week.
  • I found it embarrassing to admit that I didn't understand the instructions, but I knew I had to ask for help.
  • It was so embarrassing when I tripped and spilled my coffee all over my boss during our meeting.
  • I felt embarrassed after realizing I had accidentally sent a personal message to my entire email list.
  • The presentation was filled with embarrassing spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.
  • It was embarrassing to admit to my friends I had never heard of a popular TV show they were all talking about.
  • I felt embarrassing telling my parents I failed my exams, again.
  • It was embarrassing when my boss caught me napping during an important meeting.
  • It was embarrassing to realize I had been pronouncing a colleague's name wrong for months.
  • That time I tripped and fell in front of my crush was incredibly embarrassing.
  • As a professional speaker, it would be extremely embarrassing for me to forget my lines in front of a large audience.
  • My mom loves to show my childhood photos to my friends, but it's always embarrassing when she pulls out the ones of me in awkward phases.
  • It was an embarrassing moment when I realized I had been pronouncing my colleague's name wrong for the past year.
  • The company's embarrassing financial scandal resulted in a major loss of public trust and a plummeting stock value.
  • I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I mistakenly sent a text message meant for my friend to my boss instead.
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