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Ending Definition & Meaning

1. The final part of something, often indicating its conclusion or resolution.

Example: The ending of the movie was unexpected and left the audience in shock.

2. The last part of a word or syllable.

Example: The ending of the word "happiness" is "-ness".

3. The act of bringing something to an end.

Example: The ending of the contract was a relief for both parties involved.

4. The final result or outcome of a situation.

Example: The ending of the game was a tie, which disappointed both teams.

5. The conclusion of a story or narrative.

Example: The ending of the book was satisfying and tied up all loose ends.

Examples of the word ending used in sentences.

  • The ending of the book was so surprising.
  • The teacher told us to practice writing the ending of our story.
  • What time is the ending of the game?
  • I don't like sad movie endings.
  • The baby cried at the ending of the lullaby.
  • The movie had a surprising ending that left everyone talking about it.
  • We need to come up with a strong ending for our presentation.
  • I always make sure to check the ending of a book before I start reading it.
  • I'm glad we're finally reaching the ending of this long road trip.
  • The ending to our relationship wasn't what I had hoped for, but it's for the best.
  • The book's surprising ending took me completely by surprise.
  • The pandemic has led to the premature ending of many small businesses.
  • I'm looking forward to the ending of this semester; I need a break from studying.
  • The ending of the movie left me feeling quite unsatisfied.
  • The ending of their relationship was mutual, but still quite sad.
  • Her speech was so powerful that it became the perfect ending to our conference.
  • He was nervous about the ending of his presentation, but it turned out to be his strongest point.
  • I always have mixed feelings about the ending of a great book, it’s like saying goodbye to a dear friend.
  • The movie had a happy ending that left everyone in the theatre feeling uplifted.
  • The ending of the movie was so unexpected that it left me in awe.
  • After years of hard work, his career came to a successful ending with a promotion.
  • The movie's unexpected ending left a lasting impression on me.
  • The ending of the book was ambiguous, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions.
  • The tragic ending of the play left the audience in tears.
  • The delay in the project has jeopardized its timely ending.
  • The ending of our relationship was inevitable, but it still hurts.
  • The ending of the movie left me feeling unsatisfied and disappointed.
  • The ending of the book was unexpected but ultimately satisfying, tying up all loose ends.
  • As the pandemic nears its ending, there is a growing sense of optimism and hope for the future.
  • The ending of the year-long project was met with a collective sense of relief and accomplishment.
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