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Enjoyment Definition & Meaning

1. Pleasurable experience or feeling derived from an activity or situation.

Example: I get a lot of enjoyment from playing video games with my friends.

2. The state of being happy or satisfied with something.

Example: The enjoyment on her face after finishing her first marathon was priceless.

3. The act of experiencing pleasure or delight.

Example: The enjoyment of a good book is one of life's simple pleasures.

4. The state of being entertained or amused.

Example: The children were filled with enjoyment as they watched the circus performers.

5. The feeling of contentment and satisfaction that comes from doing something enjoyable.

Example: I find great enjoyment in hiking and being in nature.

Examples of the word enjoyment used in sentences.

  • Cooking is a source of enjoyment for me because I love trying new recipes.
  • I get a lot of enjoyment from listening to music while I work.
  • My cat brings me so much enjoyment with her playful antics.
  • Reading a good book brings me a lot of enjoyment and helps me relax.
  • I find great enjoyment in spending time with friends and family.
  • We had a lot of enjoyment at the party dancing to our favorite songs.
  • I get great enjoyment from reading novels in my free time.
  • I find a lot of enjoyment in playing video games with my friends.
  • My family and I visited a theme park last weekend and had a lot of enjoyment on the roller coasters.
  • Going for a walk in the park is a simple activity that can provide a lot of enjoyment.
  • Gardening brings me a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment as I watch my plants grow.
  • Attending concerts and music festivals is one of my favorite ways to experience enjoyment.
  • While many people find cleaning tedious, I actually find enjoyment in it as I like having a tidy living space.
  • I believe that hobbies are important for our enjoyment and well-being, and I love trying out new craft projects.
  • I derive great enjoyment from reading novels in my free time.
  • Despite her initial hesitation, Sue found great enjoyment in the challenging hiking trail.
  • He always looks forward to family dinners, as they provide him with great enjoyment and quality time.
  • The concert was a true delight, as the audience's enjoyment was palpable throughout the venue.
  • While some people prefer quiet nights in, Jim finds his greatest enjoyment in dancing the night away.
  • She believed that pursuing her passion for cooking would not only bring her personal enjoyment, but also benefit others.
  • The satisfaction and enjoyment of completing a challenging workout always leaves me feeling accomplished and energized.
  • Despite the pressure and long hours of studying, my enjoyment for learning never wavered.
  • I find great enjoyment in trying new foods and exploring different cuisines from around the world.
  • For me, the true enjoyment of travel comes from immersing myself in the local culture and history.
  • As an avid reader, nothing brings me more enjoyment than getting lost in a good book.
  • As a passionate cook, I take great enjoyment in experimenting with new and exotic ingredients in the kitchen.
  • Despite its occasionally grueling nature, ballet brings me an incredible amount of enjoyment and fulfillment.
  • I have always found great enjoyment in learning about different cultures and their customs.
  • Hiking through the rugged terrain of the Himalayas was both challenging and an immense source of enjoyment for me.
  • As a lover of classical music, I derive great enjoyment from attending symphony performances.
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