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Equally Definition & Meaning

1. In an equal manner; without bias or prejudice.

Example: All students will be graded equally regardless of their background or ethnicity.

2. To the same degree or extent.

Example: Both teams played equally well, but only one could win the game.

3. In a fair or just manner.

Example: The company distributed bonuses equally among all employees based on their performance.

4. In a balanced or proportional way.

Example: The recipe calls for equal amounts of flour and sugar to make the perfect cake.

5. Without any difference or distinction.

Example: The law applies equally to all citizens, regardless of their social status or wealth.

Examples of the word equally used in sentences.

  • My parents love me and my sister equally.
  • I like apples and oranges equally.
  • The students in my class are equally talented.
  • Peter and Paul are equally tall.
  • I enjoy reading and watching movies equally.
  • The teacher graded all the students' tests equally, without any bias or favoritism.
  • I enjoy playing both soccer and basketball equally, but for different reasons.
  • It is important to treat all employees equally, regardless of their job title.
  • My brother and I split the pizza equally, each getting four slices.
  • I believe that everyone should have access to quality healthcare equally, regardless of their income.
  • Successful teamwork requires that everyone is equally committed to the goals and willing to contribute.
  • A fair and just society is one where all people are equally protected and respected under the law.
  • Teachers should treat all their students equally, regardless of their background or ability.
  • In a democracy, every citizen's vote counts equally, and no one's opinion is more valuable than another's.
  • It is important to distribute resources and opportunities equally among all members of a community, to prevent discrimination and inequality.
  • When it comes to parenting, it is important to love and support each child equally, regardless of differences in personality or behavior.
  • The two restaurants were equally delicious, making it a difficult decision to choose which one to dine at.
  • It is important to distribute the workload equally among team members to avoid burnout.
  • In my opinion, both candidates performed equally well during the debate.
  • The company strives to treat all employees equally and provide equal opportunities for advancement.
  • In my opinion, all individuals should be treated equally, regardless of their socio-economic status.
  • It is equally important to listen to opposing viewpoints and consider alternative perspectives when making important decisions.
  • The success of a team depends on each member contributing equally to achieve a common goal.
  • The benefits of exercise and a balanced diet are equally important for maintaining good health.
  • The company's profits should be distributed equally among all its employees, regardless of their job titles.
  • He held the belief that all citizens should have access to healthcare equally, regardless of their financial status.
  • The renowned biologist asserted that all species, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, hold equally important roles in the ecosystem.
  • The company's values prioritize treating all employees equally, regardless of race, gender, or religion.
  • Equally competent in both oral and written communication, she aced the interview and landed the job.
  • The team decided to divide the workload equally amongst themselves to ensure fairness and efficiency.
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