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Evil Definition & Meaning

1. Morally wrong or wicked: evil refers to actions or behaviors that are considered immoral or unethical, often causing harm or suffering to others.

Example: The evil dictator ordered the execution of innocent people.

2. Harmful or destructive: evil can also describe things or situations that are harmful, destructive, or dangerous.

Example: The evil storm caused widespread damage and flooding.

3. Supernatural or demonic: evil can be used to describe supernatural or demonic forces that are believed to cause harm or misfortune.

Example: The villagers believed that the evil spirits were responsible for the drought.

4. Unpleasant or undesirable: evil can also refer to things that are unpleasant or undesirable.

Example: The evil smell coming from the garbage bin made me feel sick.

5. Extremely unpleasant or offensive: evil can also be used to describe something that is extremely unpleasant or offensive.

Example: The evil glare from her boss made her feel uncomfortable and intimidated.

Examples of the word evil used in sentences.

  • Many people believe that lying is an evil act.
  • Some people believe that black cats are evil.
  • The witch in the fairy tale was very evil.
  • The villain in the movie was pure evil.
  • Don't trust him, he has an evil plan.
  • It is wrong to act on evil desires and harm others.
  • The evil witch cast a spell on the prince.
  • The evil spirit haunted the old mansion for years.
  • The evil dictator treated his people with cruelty and oppression.
  • He was known for his evil deeds, and nobody trusted him.
  • The villagers were afraid of the evil sorcerer who lived in the castle on the hill.
  • The evil dictator's reign of terror came to an end after many years of oppression.
  • Despite his charming demeanor, everyone knew that the politician was an evil mastermind.
  • The children in the fairy tale were warned not to stray into the forest because of the evil witch who lived there.
  • The evil stepmother was always plotting against her stepdaughter's happiness.
  • The evil corporation polluted the river and caused harm to the environment.
  • The evil witch placed a curse on the village, causing all crops to fail.
  • He succumbed to the evil temptation and committed a crime.
  • The evil queen ordered her huntsmen to kill Snow White.
  • The evil forces of darkness were preparing for an invasion.
  • I never thought I could feel so much hatred towards someone, but their evil actions proved me wrong.
  • The kingdom was in constant danger due to the ever-increasing power of the evil sorcerer.
  • Despite his charming facade, many saw that his intentions were truly evil.
  • Some believe that evil can only be defeated by good, but others argue that it's a never-ending cycle.
  • The evil spirits that haunted the old mansion were enough to make anyone's hair stand on end.
  • The evil mastermind behind the terrorist attack was eventually caught through careful investigation by the authorities.
  • Despite his charming appearance, the politician's evil intentions were eventually uncovered by the media.
  • The protagonist of the novel had to confront the evil inside him in order to save his soul.
  • The evil stepmother in the fairy tale was so wicked that she tried to poison her own stepdaughter out of jealousy.
  • The evil deeds of the dictator were so atrocious that his name still invokes fear in the hearts of the people.
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