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Exaggerate Definition & Meaning

1. To overstate or magnify the truth or importance of something.

Example: She tends to exaggerate her accomplishments on her resume.

2. To stretch or extend beyond the normal or reasonable limits.

Example: He exaggerated his arm movements while dancing to the music.

3. To make something appear larger, more intense, or more extreme than it actually is.

Example: The media tends to exaggerate the dangers of certain diseases.

4. To embellish or add extra details to a story or event.

Example: He always exaggerates his fishing stories to make them more interesting.

5. To amplify or intensify a feeling or emotion.

Example: The excitement of the crowd only served to exaggerate her nervousness before her performance.

Examples of the word exaggerate used in sentences.

  • I'm sorry if I made you upset, I didn't mean to exaggerate the situation.
  • I don't think you need to exaggerate your achievements to impress me.
  • Don't exaggerate, the movie wasn't that scary.
  • My little sister always exaggerates when she tells stories about her school day.
  • When we were lost, he exaggerated how far we were from the nearest town.
  • The media tends to exaggerate the negative aspects of certain events.
  • Although it was a minor inconvenience, she had a tendency to exaggerate how much it affected her day.
  • My friend always exaggerates whenever she tells stories about her travels.
  • He tends to exaggerate his accomplishments in order to impress others.
  • Don't exaggerate the amount of work you have to do, just be honest about it.
  • Some people exaggerate their symptoms when they're sick to get more attention and sympathy from others.
  • It's important not to exaggerate the dangers of social media, but we should definitely be aware of the potential risks involved.
  • The media often exaggerates the impact of natural disasters, creating unnecessary panic among the public.
  • My sister tends to exaggerate her accomplishments, claiming that she single-handedly completed a project that was actually a team effort.
  • I'm not trying to exaggerate, but that was probably the best pizza I've ever had in my entire life.
  • I don't mean to exaggerate, but this is the best meal I've ever had.
  • My friend always exaggerates how much time it takes her to complete tasks.
  • Some people exaggerate their symptoms to get attention from others.
  • She tends to exaggerate her accomplishments in order to impress others.
  • The media often exaggerates the severity of certain situations for the sake of sensationalism.
  • She always exaggerates her achievements to impress others.
  • Some news outlets tend to exaggerate the impact of natural disasters for higher ratings.
  • The manager accused the employee of exaggerating the amount of work done to get a bonus.
  • While discussing the project, John exaggerated the difficulties they encountered.
  • He tends to exaggerate his pain to get attention from his wife.
  • As a seasoned politician, the senator knew when to exaggerate the facts to sway public opinion in his favor.
  • In the world of finance, it is common for executives to exaggerate their company's performance in order to attract investors and boost stock prices.
  • Jane's fear of flying caused her to exaggerate the dangers of air travel, making it difficult for her to travel to new destinations.
  • The celebrity chef's dishes were delicious, but he tended to exaggerate his culinary expertise and prowess.
  • After a night of heavy drinking, Jim tended to exaggerate his tales of adventure and conquest, making for entertaining but unreliable stories.
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