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Experiment Definition & Meaning

1. A scientific procedure carried out to test a hypothesis or investigate a phenomenon.

Example: The scientists conducted an experiment to determine the effects of the new drug on mice.

2. A trial or attempt to do something new or different.

Example: She decided to experiment with a new hairstyle for her friend's wedding.

3. A test or trial of something in order to see if it works or is effective.

Example: The company conducted an experiment to test the durability of their new product.

4. A playful or exploratory activity done for fun or curiosity.

Example: The children were conducting experiments with different materials to see which would float in water.

5. A situation in which one tries something new or different in order to see what happens.

Example: Moving to a new city was an experiment in independence for her.

Examples of the word experiment used in sentences.

  • My friend and I conducted an experiment to see which brand of popcorn tasted better.
  • I am going to experiment with different ingredients to make a new recipe.
  • I want to experiment with a new hair color, maybe a shade of blue.
  • Yesterday in our science class, we conducted an experiment to learn about chemical reactions.
  • The scientist's experiment showed that plants grow better with sunlight and water.
  • We conducted an experiment to see if mice prefer cheese or peanut butter as a snack.
  • Last week in science class, we conducted an experiment to test the effects of sugar on yeast.
  • I conducted an experiment to see which plant grows faster in direct sunlight.
  • My sister wants to experiment with different hairstyles this summer, so she's planning to dye her hair purple.
  • After seeing a strange reaction in my kitchen, I decided to experiment with combining different spices in my cooking.
  • I decided to experiment with my hairstyle and try something new by cutting my bangs.
  • In our psychology class, we learned about the Stanford prison experiment and its ethical implications.
  • My friend and I conducted an experiment in the kitchen to see if we could make the perfect brownies.
  • The professor assigned us an experiment to test the effectiveness of various cleaning products on different surfaces.
  • As part of our science experiment, we mixed different chemicals to observe their reaction.
  • The controversial experiment involved genetically modifying a human embryo in attempts to prevent hereditary diseases.
  • The psychology experiment revealed that positive affirmations have a significant impact on self-esteem.
  • Our chemistry professor instructed us to conduct a titration experiment to determine the acidity level of the solution.
  • The latest experiment in renewable energy involved harnessing geothermal energy to power a small village.
  • In conducting our experiment, we found that plants grew twice as fast under LED lighting than under fluorescent lighting.
  • After conducting a series of experiments, the researchers were able to prove their hypothesis.
  • The goal of the experiment was to observe how the plants would respond to changes in temperature.
  • The university offered a unique course that allowed students to design and execute their own experiments in psychology.
  • The chef decided to experiment with different spices and herbs to create a new dish.
  • Scientists often use animal models to conduct experiments to test the efficacy of new drugs.
  • As a student of chemistry, she was fascinated with the process of experimentation and the potential it held for scientific discovery.
  • The government's decision to experiment with a basic income program was met with both praise and criticism from the public.
  • The artist's latest exhibit was an experiment in the use of unconventional materials, which sparked a lively debate among critics and viewers alike.
  • She decided to experiment with a new recipe for her dinner party, hoping to impress her guests.
  • Despite conducting numerous experiments, the researchers were still unable to conclusively prove their hypothesis.
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