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Expression Definition & Meaning

1. The act of conveying or communicating thoughts, feelings, or ideas through words, actions, or other means.

Example: Her facial expression showed that she was not pleased with the news.

2. A particular phrase or word used to convey a specific meaning or idea.

Example: The expression "break a leg" is often used to wish someone good luck in a performance.

3. The manifestation of a trait or characteristic, often in a physical or observable way.

Example: The artist's paintings were a true expression of his creativity.

4. The representation or depiction of something, often in a visual or artistic form.

Example: The sculpture was a beautiful expression of the human form.

5. The mathematical representation of a quantity or equation.

Example: The expression 2x + 3y = 10 can be solved for either x or y.

Examples of the word expression used in sentences.

  • I love to use different facial expressions when I'm telling a story to make it more interesting.
  • My teacher taught me how to use the right expression when greeting someone.
  • I can't wait to see the expression on my mom's face when she opens the present I got her.
  • My friend's facial expression showed that she was happy about her new job.
  • The expression on the dog's face was so cute that it made me smile.
  • His choice of clothing was an expression of his individuality.
  • The expression on his face showed his excitement for the upcoming concert.
  • She struggled to understand the mathematical expression written on the whiteboard.
  • The painting was a beautiful expression of the artist's emotions.
  • She used a creative expression to communicate her thoughts and feelings about the current political climate.
  • Her facial expression indicated that she was feeling anxious about the upcoming exam.
  • The artist's paintings were full of vivid colors and imaginative expressions.
  • We need to work on improving our communication skills to avoid any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of expressions.
  • He had a confused expression on his face when he saw the complex math problem.
  • The politician's controversial expressions during the debate received both criticism and support from the audience.
  • Despite her lack of words to describe her emotions, her expression spoke volumes about her disappointment.
  • The author's use of figurative language added depth and complexity to the characters' expressions.
  • In order to effectively communicate a message, using the appropriate tone of expression is crucial.
  • The artist's unique expression of color and form created a mesmerizing and thought-provoking sculpture.
  • When learning a new language, it's important to understand the cultural expressions and body language.
  • The author's unique expression in her writing style captivates readers and keeps them engaged until the very end.
  • The athlete's expression of determination as he crossed the finish line inspired his teammates to push themselves harder in future games.
  • The politician's facial expression revealed his true intentions behind the speech he delivered.
  • The teacher emphasized the importance of nonverbal expression to help students effectively communicate with others.
  • As an artist, she often uses bold colors and abstract shapes to convey emotion through her expression.
  • The poet's exquisite expression of emotions through his verse left me spellbound.
  • The therapist urged her client to express his emotions with greater freedom of expression.
  • A good actor must be capable of delivering convincing expressions to convey the character's thoughts and feelings.
  • The ballet dancer's graceful expression of movements awed the audience.
  • As a diplomat, it is crucial to maintain an impassive expression in tense situations.
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