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Fix Definition & Meaning

1. To repair or mend something that is broken or damaged.

Example: I need to fix my bike tire before i can go for a ride.

2. To set or adjust something to a specific position or setting.

Example: Can you fix the thermostat so it's cooler in here?

3. To determine or settle a problem or situation.

Example: We need to fix the issue with the billing system before it causes more problems.

4. To prepare or arrange something, often food or drink.

Example: I'll fix us some sandwiches for lunch.

5. To become attached or addicted to something.

Example: He's been trying to fix his gambling problem for years.

Examples of the word fix used in sentences.

  • I need to fix my hair before going to the party.
  • I need to fix my schedule for next week.
  • Dad, can you please fix the TV, it's not working?
  • My watch is broken, can you fix it?
  • I'm going to fix myself a sandwich for lunch.
  • I have a headache, maybe some aspirin can fix it.
  • I need to fix my bike's chain before I can go for a ride.
  • Can you please fix this hole in my shirt?
  • I need to fix my sleeping schedule because I have work tomorrow.
  • The mechanic said he can fix my car's engine problem.
  • I need to fix the broken handle on my suitcase before my next trip.
  • Can you please fix the spelling errors in this document before sending it to the client?
  • Let's fix a date and time for our next meeting to discuss the progress of the project.
  • My therapist helped me fix my attitude towards difficult situations.
  • I'm planning to fix some chicken stir-fry for dinner tonight.
  • She managed to fix the mess in the kitchen before her parents came home.
  • The company promised to fix the product defect within the next few days.
  • I need to fix my bike before we go on our long ride this weekend.
  • My therapist helped me fix my negative thought patterns and improve my mental health.
  • The IT department has been trying to fix the server all morning, but they're still having issues.
  • Despite his best efforts to fix the computer, it simply wouldn't turn on.
  • With a few simple ingredients and steps, she managed to fix a delicious and healthy meal for her family.
  • The team worked tirelessly to fix the software bug before the product launch deadline.
  • The mechanic promised to fix the car's engine, but warned that it would be costly.
  • She knew she had to fix her sleeping habits if she wanted to be more productive during the day.
  • The company's reputation was damaged, but they were able to fix it by implementing a new transparency policy.
  • I'm sorry, but simply applying a band-aid won't fix the underlying issue.
  • The mechanic was able to fix my car in record time, allowing me to make it to my meeting on time.
  • We need to fix the scheduling conflict before we can finalize the project timeline.
  • Despite the complexity of the issue, our team was able to fix the problem within a matter of hours.
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