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Formal Definition & Meaning

1. Following established conventions or rules of behavior.

Example: "it is important to dress formally for a job interview."

2. Official or authoritative in nature.

Example: "the formal announcement of the election results will be made tonight."

3. Relating to or involving serious or important matters.

Example: "the ceo held a formal meeting with the board of directors to discuss the company's financial performance."

4. Structured and organized in a systematic way.

Example: "the report was written in a formal style with clear headings and subheadings."

5. Using language that is appropriate for official or academic purposes.

Example: "the student's formal essay was well-researched and clearly presented."

Examples of the word formal used in sentences.

  • My boss always wears formal clothes to work.
  • The principal asked me to write a formal letter to invite the parents to the meeting.
  • It is important to use formal language in job interviews.
  • The wedding ceremony was very formal, with everyone dressed in their best attire.
  • In formal settings, it's proper to address people by their titles and last name.
  • In many cultures, it is customary to exchange formal greetings before engaging in conversation.
  • When attending a formal event, it is important to dress appropriately.
  • The language used in a formal letter should be professional and polite.
  • At a formal business meeting, everyone should adhere to the agenda and avoid side discussions.
  • Formal education helps individuals acquire knowledge and necessary skills for their future careers.
  • Formal events often require guests to adhere to a specific dress code.
  • In many cultures, it's customary to bow or curtsy as a formal greeting.
  • It's important to dress formally when attending a job interview.
  • The CEO delivered a formal speech at the annual shareholders' meeting.
  • The language used in formal writing is usually more complex than in informal writing.
  • Although we have been friends for years, we still maintain a formal tone when discussing business matters. (Business)
  • In order to be considered for the job, candidates must submit a formal application and resume. (Employment)
  • As a wedding guest, it is customary to dress in formal attire to show respect to the occasion. (Social)
  • The tone of the email he wrote was far too formal for an informal conversation between friends. (Communication)
  • The presentation was deemed too informal for the formal setting of the corporate meeting room. (Professional)
  • She was nervous about giving a formal presentation to the board of directors.
  • Attending a formal event requires proper attire and manners.
  • The company's dress code is strictly formal, requiring suits and ties.
  • The use of formal language is often necessary in academic writing.
  • The formal announcement of the new policy caused a stir among employees.
  • As a high-level executive, dressing in a formal manner is essential for making a good impression on clients and colleagues.
  • At a formal dinner party, it's customary to wait until the host or hostess invites you to start eating.
  • A well-planned and formal approach is necessary when dealing with legal matters in order to avoid any potential misunderstandings.
  • The tone of your writing needs to be more formal if you want to be taken seriously in academic circles.
  • In order to be considered for the job, you must submit a formal application that includes a detailed resume and a cover letter explaining why you're the best candidate.
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