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Further Definition & Meaning

1. To advance or progress in a particular direction or goal.

Example: "i need to further my education by pursuing a master's degree."

2. To provide additional information, evidence, or support.

Example: "can you further explain your reasoning behind that decision?"

3. To help promote or advance a cause or idea.

Example: "i want to further the conversation about mental health awareness."

4. To extend or increase in size, quantity, or degree.

Example: "we need to further expand our product line to reach more customers."

5. To assist or facilitate in achieving a desired outcome.

Example: "i will do everything i can to further your career goals."

Examples of the word further used in sentences.

  • I need further explanation about the math problem.
  • Can you go further down the road to find a gas station?
  • I need to go further on my diet plan to reach my goal weight.
  • The teacher asked me to read further on the subject.
  • The doctor said I need further tests for my medical condition.
  • I need further information about the job before I can decide if it's right for me.
  • The company decided to invest further in research and development to improve their products.
  • The teacher asked the student to elaborate further on his answer to the question.
  • The restaurant is located further down the street, past the supermarket.
  • I would like to further my education by taking some online courses in my spare time.
  • I hope this email finds you well. Further to our recent correspondence, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance with this matter. (Formal communication)
  • The construction company decided to delay the project by another week in order to further test the building materials. (Construction)
  • I need to do some further research before I can make a decision on which university to apply to. (Education)
  • The government needs to take further measures to reduce traffic congestion in our city. (Public policy)
  • Further to our conversation yesterday, I would like to clarify some details about the project. (Business)
  • I need to study further to improve my language skills and pass the proficiency test.
  • The research study highlights the need for further investigation into the potential benefits of this treatment.
  • Further to our conversation yesterday, I have some additional information to share with you.
  • The government is committed to further reducing carbon emissions to tackle climate change.
  • The company is planning to expand further into new markets to boost its revenue.
  • The research findings suggest that further investigation is needed to fully understand the phenomenon.
  • The company's aggressive expansion strategy is expected to drive further growth in the coming years.
  • In order to achieve our goals, we need to invest further in advanced technology.
  • Further to the announcement made earlier, we regret to inform you that the event has been cancelled.
  • Further to our previous discussions, I would like to propose a new approach to the project.
  • The court ruling will further complicate the already contentious debate over immigration reform.
  • Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action to further reduce carbon emissions.
  • The athlete's impressive performance in the Olympics has motivated him to further improve his skills and achieve even greater success.
  • The professor challenged the students to think further about the implications of their research findings.
  • The company is looking to further expand its operations in the Asia-Pacific region.
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