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Gas Definition & Meaning

1. A state of matter in which particles move freely and have no fixed shape or volume, such as air or helium.

Example: The balloon was filled with gas and floated up into the sky.

2. A substance used as fuel, such as gasoline or natural gas.

Example: The car needs gas to run, so we have to fill up the tank at the gas station.

3. A poisonous substance, such as carbon monoxide or nerve gas.

Example: The soldiers had to wear gas masks to protect themselves from the toxic gas.

4. A feeling of discomfort or bloating in the stomach, caused by trapped air or indigestion.

Example: After eating too much pizza, i felt a painful gas in my stomach.

5. A form of energy that is produced by burning fossil fuels, such as coal or oil.

Example: The power plant generates electricity by burning gas to turn turbines.

Examples of the word gas used in sentences.

  • Yesterday I smelled gas coming from the kitchen stove.
  • My father's job involves working with natural gas pipelines.
  • My friend and I went to the gas station to buy some snacks.
  • I need to fill up the car with gas before we go on our trip.
  • The balloon popped because there was too much gas inside.
  • I need to fill up my car's gas tank before I hit the road.
  • The gas leak in the kitchen caused the house to be evacuated.
  • Gas prices have been steadily increasing over the past few months.
  • My doctor told me to avoid eating foods that cause gas.
  • Cooking with gas is much faster than using an electric stove.
  • The price of gas has been steadily increasing over the past few months.
  • Burning natural gas produces much less pollution than coal.
  • The gas leak in the kitchen forced us to evacuate the building.
  • Gas stoves are commonly used in many households for cooking.
  • I filled up my car with gas before starting my road trip.
  • Our city has a growing problem with greenhouse gas emissions, which is contributing to climate change.
  • In order to make the perfect cup of coffee, it's important to use fresh beans and boil the water until it reaches the right gas level.
  • If you don't properly ventilate the room, the gas from the stove can quickly become dangerous.
  • The gas station on the outskirts of town always has the cheapest prices for fuel.
  • The gas leak from the old pipelines was finally fixed, but it had already contaminated the nearby water supply.
  • During the chemistry experiment, we observed how the gas expanded when exposed to heat.
  • The sudden gas explosion caused panic and chaos in the busy shopping district.
  • After a long hike, we sat around the campfire and enjoyed the warmth from the gas-powered stove.
  • The gas station attendant advised us to fill up the tank before continuing our journey.
  • The city is implementing measures to reduce gas emissions from vehicles to improve air quality.
  • The doctor prescribed a gas-relieving medication to alleviate my frequent abdominal discomfort.
  • The gas leak in the chemical plant was contained before it could cause any major damage to the surrounding environment.
  • Natural gas is a widely-used resource for heating and cooking in many households across the world.
  • The gas stove in the kitchen was faulty and emitted a strong odor, prompting us to call for emergency assistance.
  • The introduction of electric vehicles is set to gradually phase out gas-powered vehicles in the near future.
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