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Hell Definition & Meaning

1. A place or state of punishment or suffering after death, often associated with religious beliefs.

Example: Some people believe that those who commit sins will go to hell after they die.

2. A situation or experience that is extremely unpleasant or difficult.

Example: Going through a divorce can feel like hell for some people.

3. A swear word used to express anger, frustration, or annoyance.

Example: "what the hell is going on here?"

4. A place or situation that is chaotic, disorganized, or out of control.

Example: The party was a total hell with people shouting and breaking things.

5. A place or situation that is dangerous or risky.

Example: It would be hell to go hiking alone in the mountains without proper gear.

Examples of the word hell used in sentences.

  • "I couldn't find my keys anywhere, I thought I was in hell."
  • "I hate cleaning the house, it's absolute hell!"
  • "After a long day at work, all I want to do is relax and forget the hellish day I had."
  • "The traffic jam was so bad, it felt like hell on Earth."
  • "I tried a new spicy dish and it was like eating hellfire."
  • I had a terrible day at work today, it was an absolute hell.
  • The heat in this room is so unbearable, it feels like a living hell.
  • My neighbor's puppy wouldn't stop barking all night, it was like hell on earth.
  • I can't believe how much I had to pay for this taxi ride, it was highway robbery - pure hell.
  • Don't worry, you won't go to hell for forgetting your friend's birthday.
  • His ex-girlfriend made his life a living hell after they broke up.
  • The traffic was so bad that it felt like I was stuck in hell.
  • Don't worry, I won't let you go through hell alone.
  • You can't imagine the hell I went through when I lost my job and my house in the same week.
  • I've been working like hell to finish this project on time.
  • The traffic in this city is so bad, getting to work in the morning is a living hell.
  • Hell is often depicted as a place of eternal torment and suffering in many religions.
  • I've been through hell and back trying to get this project completed on time, but I'm finally finished.
  • I can't believe she had the nerve to cheat on her husband, she must have no fear of going to hell.
  • The weather at the beach was so hot, it felt like we were in the depths of hell.
  • The new boss created a hellish work environment where no one felt appreciated or valued.
  • She went through hell to finish her degree, but it was worth it in the end.
  • After experiencing so much disappointment, he began to believe that life was simply a journey through hell.
  • The restaurant was so crowded that getting a table seemed like hell on earth.
  • Despite the hellish traffic, she managed to arrive at the meeting on time.
  • The author's latest book has been receiving a hell of a lot of critical acclaim from readers and critics alike.
  • The divorce was so acrimonious that it felt like living through pure hell for several months.
  • The soldier's tales of surviving in the hellish battlefield were both harrowing and inspiring to his fellow comrades.
  • Despite the hellish conditions, the firefighters continued to battle the raging inferno for hours on end.
  • The politician found himself in a hell of a mess after being caught on camera accepting bribes from a wealthy businessman.
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