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Historical Definition & Meaning

1. Relating to the past or events that have already happened.

Example: The historical significance of the declaration of independence cannot be overstated.

2. Concerned with or based on history as a discipline.

Example: She is a historical researcher who specializes in medieval europe.

3. Having great importance or significance in history.

Example: The historical impact of the industrial revolution on society cannot be ignored.

4. Representing or depicting events or people from the past.

Example: The historical paintings in the museum offer a glimpse into the lives of ancient civilizations.

5. Existing or belonging to a particular period in history.

Example: The historical architecture of the city reflects its colonial past.

Examples of the word historical used in sentences.

  • I like learning about historical events.
  • This book is about an important historical figure.
  • The historical buildings in this town are really beautiful.
  • The museum has a lot of interesting historical artifacts.
  • Our city has a lot of historical landmarks.
  • I always enjoy reading historical novels about the medieval period.
  • I visited a historical museum and learned a lot about the history of my country.
  • The historical building is a popular tourist attraction in the city.
  • The historical information provided by the guide was really informative.
  • The historical significance of the event cannot be overstated.
  • Studying historical events can provide us with valuable insights into the present-day societal structures.
  • The historical district of the city, with its old buildings and landmarks, attracts many tourists every year.
  • The historical significance of the pyramids of Giza is well-known all over the world.
  • The historical context of the World Wars shaped the political landscape of many countries in significant ways.
  • Shakespeare's plays are considered one of the greatest literary contributions in the world's historical canon.
  • It is crucial to examine historical evidence to understand the origins of modern societies.
  • The historical significance of the Eiffel Tower cannot be overstated, as it symbolizes French engineering and creativity.
  • Historical artifacts offer a glimpse into the daily lives of ancient peoples and their cultures.
  • One of the most significant historical events of the 20th century was the fall of the Berlin Wall, which signaled the end of the Cold War.
  • Many historical landmarks in the United States tell the story of the country's struggle for independence.
  • The historical accuracy of the historical drama was heavily debated among scholars and critics.
  • The country's historical artifacts were carefully preserved in a museum for future generations to marvel at.
  • The city's historical quarter offered a glimpse into its rich cultural heritage and architectural legacy.
  • Despite its historical significance, the ancient city's ruins had become a mere tourist attraction.
  • The historical context of the literary masterpiece helped readers understand the author's intentions and message.
  • The historian conducted extensive research to uncover the true historical narrative of the battle.
  • The ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization hold great historical value.
  • The historical significance of the Boston Tea Party is deeply ingrained in American history.
  • The historical context of the Renaissance era greatly shaped the development of art and literature.
  • The museum's historical exhibition on slavery shed light on a painful period in America's past.
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