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Hobby Definition & Meaning

1. A leisure activity that one enjoys doing regularly for pleasure or relaxation.

Example: My hobby is painting landscapes on the weekends.

2. A pastime that one pursues with enthusiasm and dedication.

Example: His hobby is collecting rare stamps from around the world.

3. A creative pursuit that allows one to express their artistic or intellectual interests.

Example: Her hobby is writing short stories and poetry in her free time.

4. A recreational activity that provides a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

Example: His hobby is playing chess competitively and participating in local tournaments.

5. A personal interest or passion that one pursues outside of work or other obligations.

Example: Her hobby is hiking and exploring new trails in the mountains.

Examples of the word hobby used in sentences.

  • My hobby is cooking, I enjoy trying out new recipes.
  • Her hobby is gardening, she loves spending time with plants and flowers.
  • His hobby is playing football, he trains every weekend with his team.
  • Our hobby is hiking, we love exploring the mountains and the forests.
  • My little brother's hobby is collecting stamps, he has a big album full of them.
  • Jane enjoys reading books as her main hobby in her free time.
  • My hobby is playing soccer with my friends on the weekends.
  • Tom has a new hobby which is painting beautiful landscapes on canvas.
  • My sister's hobby is cooking different cuisines from around the world.
  • For John, gardening has become his favorite hobby to relax after work.
  • Reading is my go-to hobby when I need to unwind and relax after a long day at work.
  • My favorite hobby is painting; I love to create beautiful landscapes on canvas.
  • I recently started a new hobby of baking, and I enjoy trying out different recipes and experimenting with flavors.
  • My grandfather's hobby is collecting stamps from all over the world, he has an impressive collection.
  • Gardening has become a favorite hobby of mine, and I love to sow and nurture colorful flowers in my backyard.
  • Reading books is one of my favorite hobbies, and I can spend hours lost in a good novel.
  • I love listening to music when I have free time; it's one of my hobbies.
  • Photography has become a new hobby of mine, and I love capturing the beauty of nature.
  • One of my favorite hobbies is hiking in the mountains every weekend.
  • My hobby is cooking, and I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and recipes.
  • Michelle's love for pottery started as a hobby, but it has since become a central part of her artistic expression.
  • John's passion for gardening has turned into more than just a hobby, as he has now created a thriving business selling his organic produce.
  • Despite her busy schedule, Sarah always makes time for her photography hobby, which helps her to relax and unwind.
  • Despite his wife's disapproval, Tom can't help but indulge in his hobby of collecting rare vinyl records.
  • Steve's hobby of running has led him to participate in several marathons, and he now enjoys mentoring others who share his passion for the activity.
  • His hobby of playing the guitar has allowed him to express himself creatively and connect with others through music.
  • Her love for cooking began as a simple hobby, but it quickly turned into a successful catering business.
  • Despite her busy schedule, she sets aside time every week to indulge in her favorite hobby of painting.
  • Photography has become more than just a hobby for him; it's now his profession and passion.
  • As a hobby, she enjoys researching and collecting rare plant species from around the world.
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