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Hollow Definition & Meaning

1. Empty or having a space inside: a hollow tree trunk.


2. Without substance or depth: a hollow promise.


3. Depressed or sunken in: a person with hollow cheeks.


4. Insincere or lacking in emotion: a hollow apology.


5. Echoing or resonating: the sound of footsteps in the hollow hallway. example sentence: the hiker found a hollow log to rest in during the long trek.


Examples of the word hollow used in sentences.

  • The sound of the wind echoed in the hollow tree trunk.
  • The feeling of emptiness left him with a hollow heart.
  • The hunter found a hollow in the ground to hide from the animals.
  • The bowl was hollow and empty.
  • The toy was made of plastic and had a hollow center.
  • The sound of footsteps echoed through the hollow hallway.
  • The vase was made of delicate, hollow glass.
  • The empty box felt hollow, as if it once held something important.
  • The tree trunk was hollow, which made it the perfect hiding spot for the squirrel.
  • The feeling of sadness left her with a hollow ache in her chest.
  • The wooden bowl felt hollow when I tapped it with my finger.
  • The sound of the wind echoing through the hollow tree trunk filled the forest.
  • She felt a hollow feeling in her chest when she realized she had lost the game.
  • The hollow promises of the politician did not gain the trust of the voters.
  • The abandoned house stood hollow and dark, sending shivers down my spine.
  • The echo of their footsteps bounced off the walls of the hollow cave.
  • The old tree trunk was hollow, with birds nesting inside.
  • The box was hollow inside, with nothing but air.
  • His promise rang hollow, as he had broken it once before.
  • She felt a hollow sadness deep inside when she heard the news.
  • The hollow tree trunk made for a perfect hiding place for the small animal, providing both shelter and safety.
  • Despite its colorful exterior, the old wooden chest was disappointingly hollow and empty inside.
  • The sound of my footsteps echoed through the hollow hallway, giving me the feeling of being alone in a vast space.
  • The hollow promises of the politician failed to bring any real change to the lives of the people.
  • After years of being in the public eye, the once lively and outgoing actress seemed hollow and distant in her interviews.
  • The politician's promises for change turned out to be hollow, leaving the public disillusioned and distrustful.
  • The sound of footsteps echoed hollowly in the deserted hallway.
  • The abandoned house stood dark and hollow, like a haunted shell of its former self.
  • The tree trunk was hollow, providing a safe haven for a family of squirrels.
  • The actress gave a hollow performance, lacking any real emotional depth.
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