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Image Definition & Meaning

1. A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art or photography.

Example: The artist created a beautiful image of a sunset over the ocean.

2. A mental picture or impression of something.

Example: The image of her smiling face stayed with him long after they said goodbye.

3. A symbol or emblem that represents a particular organization or brand.

Example: The nike swoosh is a recognizable image around the world.

4. A reflection of light or other electromagnetic radiation from a surface.

Example: The image of the moon was reflected in the still water of the lake.

5. A reputation or public perception of someone or something.

Example: The company's image was tarnished after a scandal involving their ceo.

Examples of the word image used in sentences.

  • "He drew an image of a tree with his crayons."
  • "I saw an image of a beautiful sunset on the internet."
  • "I need to print an image of my passport for my visa application."
  • "This is a picture of my cat, his image is so cute."
  • "The magazine had an image of a famous actress on the cover."
  • The artist's painting is an excellent representation of the image in his mind.
  • I cannot see the image clearly from this angle.
  • Can you please share the image of the menu on your phone?
  • The image of the sunset has been captured beautifully in this photograph.
  • The image on the television screen is too dark.
  • The politician's controversial statement has damaged their public image among their constituents.
  • The image of that majestic mountain is printed in my memory forever.
  • I am drawn to this brand because of its positive image of eco-friendliness and sustainability.
  • Social media has become a platform for people to carefully curate their online image.
  • In his memoir, the author reflects on the image of his hometown that he carried with him throughout his life.
  • The artist's latest exhibit featured a striking image of a sunset over the ocean.
  • The news article featured a disturbing image of the aftermath of the natural calamity that struck the region.
  • As an artist, he tries to bring out the deep emotions in his image that can resonate with the viewers.
  • With the help of Photoshop, she enhanced the clarity of the image and made it look more stunning.
  • The company's image in the market has been tarnished due to their unethical practices.
  • The artist's unique style allowed her to create stunning images that truly captivated her audience.
  • It's important to carefully curate your online image to maintain a professional and positive reputation.
  • The image of the majestic mountain range was etched in my memory after our hike.
  • The documentary's graphic images of the war-torn country left a lasting impact on viewers.
  • The company's new ad campaign relies heavily on bold and eye-catching images to grab consumers' attention.
  • The politician carefully curated her public image to maintain a positive reputation.
  • It's important to consider the impact that media images can have on our perceptions of beauty.
  • The artist's use of color and contrast created a striking image of the city skyline.
  • The company's marketing team worked tirelessly to craft an image of innovation and excellence for their brand.
  • The intricate details in the painting brought the image to life, capturing the essence of the subject.
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