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Impression Definition & Meaning

1. A feeling or opinion about someone or something formed without conscious thought or on slight evidence.

Example: My first impression of the new teacher was that she was strict.

2. A mark made by pressing something onto a surface.

Example: The artist made an impression of her hand in the wet clay.

3. An imitation or copy of something.

Example: The actor's impression of the president was spot on.

4. The act of influencing or affecting someone or something.

Example: The politician's speech made a strong impression on the audience.

5. A vague idea or understanding of something.

Example: I have an impression that the meeting will be postponed.

Examples of the word impression used in sentences.

  • Despite his rough exterior, my impression of him is that he's actually quite kind-hearted.
  • I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression during our meeting, I didn't mean to come across as rude.
  • The painting made a lasting impression on me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
  • She left a great impression on me with her talent and dedication to her work.
  • My first impression of the city was that it was bustling with people and traffic.
  • Maria left a good impression on her new colleagues because of her friendly and approachable demeanor.
  • My first impression of the new restaurant was that it had a cozy atmosphere.
  • The tour guide gave us a fantastic impression of the city's history with his engaging storytelling.
  • After reading the book, I got the impression that the author was quite opinionated on politics.
  • The messy room gave me the impression that its occupant was quite disorganized.
  • When I visited Paris for the first time, I was overwhelmed by the city's beauty and grandeur. My impression of it was that it truly lives up to its reputation as the City of Love.
  • Despite the tough questions during the job interview, I was able to make a good impression on the hiring manager by displaying my knowledge and enthusiasm for the position.
  • At first, I was hesitant to try sushi, but after tasting it for the first time, my impression of it completely changed. I now consider it to be one of my favorite foods.
  • My first impression of the new colleague was that he was shy, but he turned out to be really funny and outgoing.
  • The movie left a lasting impression on me, as the powerful storyline and stunning cinematography stayed with me for days after watching it.
  • I got the impression that he wasn't very interested in what I had to say.
  • The movie left a lasting impression on me because of its powerful storyline.
  • After meeting her in person, my impression of her completely changed – she was much nicer than I expected.
  • The painting gave the impression of a peaceful countryside, with rolling hills and bright blue skies.
  • My first impression of this city is that it's very vibrant and full of life.
  • The artist's body of work left a lasting impression on the art community, earning her critical acclaim.
  • After visiting several colleges, she had the impression that the small, private university was the best fit for her.
  • Despite his strong qualifications, the candidate failed to make a good impression during his job interview.
  • The company's impeccable customer service left a positive impression on the dissatisfied customer.
  • Despite the hotel's luxurious exterior, the shabby interior gave a negative impression to the potential guests.
  • His impressionistic paintings captured the essence of nature with bold colors and brush strokes.
  • The politician's speech left a lasting impression on the audience.
  • After reading the novel, her impression of the main character completely changed.
  • I was left with a positive impression of the restaurant after trying their signature dish.
  • Despite their impressive accomplishments, my impression of the company was tainted by their unethical business practices.
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