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Initiative Definition & Meaning

1. Initiative refers to the ability to take charge and start something without being prompted.

Example: She showed initiative by organizing a fundraiser for the local animal shelter.

2. Initiative can also mean a new plan or idea put forward to address a problem or improve a situation.

Example: The company's new initiative aims to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

3. Initiative can refer to a program or project undertaken by a group or organization to achieve a specific goal.

Example: The government's initiative to provide free healthcare for all citizens has been widely praised.

4. Initiative can mean the first step or action taken in a process or sequence.

Example: The team's initiative to brainstorm new marketing strategies led to a successful campaign.

5. Initiative can also refer to a personal quality of being proactive and taking responsibility for one's actions.

Example: His initiative and hard work earned him a promotion at work.

Examples of the word initiative used in sentences.

  • She showed initiative by volunteering to organize the school fundraiser. (education topic)
  • We need to take the initiative to recycle more to help the environment. (environmental topic)
  • My boss was impressed by my initiative to complete the project on time. (work topic)
  • He took the initiative to ask for help when he didn't understand the assignment. (learning topic)
  • I took the initiative to clean the house before my parents came home. (household topic)
  • I took the initiative to organize a charity event in my community.
  • The government launched an initiative to promote sustainable living practices.
  • I appreciate your initiative in taking the first step to resolve this issue.
  • He always takes the initiative to help his colleagues when they are struggling with their work.
  • She showed great initiative in coming up with a new marketing strategy for our business.
  • The community center's latest initiative is to provide free job training programs to help unemployed individuals acquire relevant skills and find stable employment.
  • The young artist showed great initiative by organizing her first solo exhibit and inviting art enthusiasts to showcase her creative works.
  • As part of our corporate culture, we encourage our employees to take initiative in their work and come up with innovative solutions.
  • The government's educational initiative aims to provide access to quality education to marginalized communities and improve literacy rates nationwide.
  • The city council launched an initiative to reduce plastic waste by offering incentives to businesses that promote sustainable packaging.
  • Despite the lack of support from her colleagues, she took the initiative to suggest a new and innovative approach to solve the company's problems.
  • The city government's initiative to promote renewable energy was met with much praise from environmental advocates and experts.
  • The non-profit organization always encourages its volunteers to show initiative in their individual projects, and to not be afraid to take risks.
  • After realizing the dire need for it, the local community took the initiative to start a campaign against plastic pollution.
  • The talented musician was able to showcase her creative initiative when she composed a beautiful and original piece during the concert.
  • Taking initiative to learn a new skill can greatly enhance your career prospects.
  • By launching a volunteer initiative, the community was able to come together and make a meaningful impact.
  • The student's initiative to organize a fundraiser for a local charity earned them recognition from the school administration.
  • When faced with adversity, it's important to take the initiative and find solutions rather than giving up.
  • The company's initiative to reduce their carbon footprint demonstrates their commitment to the environment.
  • The government's recent initiative to invest in renewable energy sources marks an important step towards a more sustainable future.
  • His initiative to organize a charity fundraiser inspired others to get involved and make a meaningful impact on the community.
  • As CEO, she took the initiative to implement new policies and procedures to promote a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
  • Despite facing setbacks, the team demonstrated remarkable initiative in finding creative solutions to their biggest challenges.
  • Their initiative to launch a community service program helped address critical needs in their local area.
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