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Intelligent Definition & Meaning

1. Having the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge and skills effectively.

Example: She is an intelligent student who always excels in her studies.

2. Showing good judgment and reasoning in decision-making.

Example: The intelligent businessman made a wise investment that yielded great returns.

3. Possessing a high level of mental capacity and cognitive function.

Example: The intelligent scientist was able to solve a complex problem in his field of research.

4. Displaying quick-wittedness and cleverness in problem-solving.

Example: The intelligent detective was able to solve the case with ease.

5. Demonstrating adaptability and flexibility in various situations.

Example: The intelligent athlete was able to adjust his game plan to win the match.

Examples of the word intelligent used in sentences.

  • The intelligent dog was able to learn tricks quickly and easily.
  • The new smartphone is very intelligent, it can complete tasks on its own.
  • The scientist used intelligent algorithms to analyze the data and make predictions.
  • My friend is very intelligent and always gets good grades at school.
  • The new employee is intelligent and has a lot of potential for growth in the company.
  • The new AI assistant is so intelligent that it can understand natural language and complete complex tasks.
  • Teaching children how to think critically and creatively is an important part of developing their intelligent minds.
  • Jack's boss is very impressed with his intelligent problem-solving skills and has given him more responsibility.
  • My sister is an intelligent student and always receives good grades in school.
  • The scientist's research on artificial intelligence is pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible for intelligent machines.
  • As an intelligent student, he always received outstanding grades in his science classes.
  • It's important to surround yourself with intelligent people who can challenge and motivate you to be your best.
  • The intelligent use of social media has helped to connect people from all over the world.
  • As a restaurant owner, she developed an intelligent business plan that helped her to succeed.
  • An intelligent customer always seeks out the best deals before making a purchase.
  • The intelligent use of social media can help businesses reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
  • The intelligent student easily solved the complex math problem.
  • To succeed in today's competitive job market, it's important to be intelligent and adaptive.
  • Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the world of technology.
  • The intelligent design of the building allows for maximum natural light and energy efficiency.
  • In order to solve complex problems, an intelligent approach is often necessary.
  • By implementing intelligent systems, companies can save time and money in their operations.
  • It is important to foster an intelligent and critical mindset in children from a young age to prepare them for an increasingly complex world.
  • Intelligent software can help automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more important work.
  • The novel's protagonist is portrayed as an intelligent and resourceful individual who always finds a way to succeed.
  • Being an intelligent individual, he quickly grasped the complexities of the technology and was able to solve the problem effortlessly.
  • Intelligent decision-making is paramount in the business world, and his ability to weigh risks and benefits made him an asset to the company.
  • The scientist's intelligent approach to research resulted in groundbreaking discoveries, revolutionizing the field of medicine.
  • Her intelligent wit and quick thinking always left her classmates in awe, earning her a reputation as the brightest student in her class.
  • The intelligent design of the new building not only improved its aesthetic appeal but also increased its energy efficiency, prioritizing sustainability.
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