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Interpretation Definition & Meaning

1. The act of explaining or translating the meaning of something, often from one language to another.

Example: The interpreter provided a simultaneous interpretation of the speaker's words in english and french.

2. A particular understanding or explanation of something, often based on personal perspective or experience.

Example: The novel's ambiguous ending left readers with different interpretations of the protagonist's fate.

3. The performance or execution of a musical or artistic work, often with individual style or expression.

Example: The pianist's interpretation of the classical piece was both technically impressive and emotionally moving.

4. The process of analyzing and evaluating data or information to draw conclusions or make decisions.

Example: The data analyst's interpretation of the sales figures revealed a decline in revenue over the past quarter.

5. The application of a particular law, rule, or policy to a specific situation or case.

Example: The judge's interpretation of the constitutionality of the law had significant implications for future legal cases.

Examples of the word interpretation used in sentences.

  • The tour guide gave us an interpretation of the historical site's significance.
  • My English teacher's interpretation of the poem was different from mine.
  • Can you give me your interpretation of the book's ending?
  • The artist's interpretation of the landscape was incredibly beautiful.
  • I'm having trouble understanding the interpretation of this chart.
  • His interpretation of the data led to a different conclusion than hers.
  • The doctor's interpretation of my symptoms helped diagnose my condition.
  • The interpretation of this painting is completely subjective.
  • We need to carefully consider the interpretation of this law before implementing it.
  • Can you give me your interpretation of this quote from Shakespeare?
  • The interpretation of the painting varied between art critics and the general public.
  • I was surprised by her interpretation of the text, which showed her deep understanding of the subject.
  • The misunderstanding arose due to the different interpretation of the instructions given by the supervisor.
  • The singer gave a unique interpretation of the classic song, which left the audience mesmerized.
  • His interpretation of the law was completely different from that of his colleagues.
  • The interpretation of this painting is up to the viewer's individual perception.
  • The singer's interpretation of the song left the audience feeling emotional and moved.
  • The scientist's interpretation of the data led to groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine.
  • As a lawyer, it's important to have a clear interpretation of the law to best defend your client.
  • The historian's interpretation of these events provided a new understanding of our country's history.
  • The musician's unique interpretation of the classic song breathed new life into it.
  • The judge's interpretation of the law led to a controversial ruling that many disagreed with.
  • The film's director encouraged the actors to offer their own interpretation of the script.
  • The linguist's interpretation of the ancient text revealed new insights into the language and culture of the time.
  • The interpretation of this painting is open to many different opinions and perspectives.
  • The artist's unique interpretation of the subject matter truly captures its essence.
  • The expert's interpretation of the data reveals a promising trend in the market.
  • In literature, there can be multiple interpretations of a single text depending on the reader's perspective.
  • Legal cases often hinge on the interpretation of specific clauses in contracts or laws.
  • The diplomat's skillful interpretation of cultural differences helped to diffuse a potentially volatile situation.
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