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Later Definition & Meaning

1. After a period of time; not immediately.

Example: "i will finish my homework later tonight."

2. At a subsequent time; in the future.

Example: "let's schedule our meeting for later this week."

3. At a time in the past or future that is after the present moment.

Example: "i wish i had studied harder earlier, so i wouldn't have to worry about it later."

4. Used to indicate a delay or postponement.

Example: "we'll have to reschedule our dinner plans for later, i have a work emergency."

5. Used to indicate a comparison between two points in time.

Example: "i was much more confident in my abilities later in the semester than i was at the beginning."

Examples of the word later used in sentences.

  • Don't worry, I'll finish this report later today.
  • I can't meet you now, but we can talk later.
  • My friend invited me to a party later tonight.
  • I forgot my keys at home, but I can grab them later.
  • I will finish my homework later tonight.
  • Later, I will meet my friends for dinner.
  • Can we talk about this later? I'm busy right now.
  • Later, we will watch a movie together.
  • Later, I'm planning to visit the park near my house.
  • Later this year, I'm hoping to travel to Japan.
  • I have a meeting now, but I can speak to you later.
  • I am going to the supermarket now, but I'll cook dinner later.
  • I can't come to the party tonight, maybe we can catch up later.
  • I didn't have time to finish this project today, I will complete it later.
  • Later in the evening, we are planning to watch a movie together.
  • Later, we can visit the museum and learn more about the city's history.
  • After finishing my work, I can meet you later for coffee.
  • Later, we can discuss a possible solution for this problem.
  • I can't come to the meeting today, but I'll catch up with the updates later.
  • I regret not studying harder earlier, but it's never too late to start now.
  • The meeting is postponed until later, as the CEO is running late.
  • After a long day at work, John prefers to exercise later in the evening.
  • Despite her busy schedule, Sarah promised to call her best friend later in the evening.
  • After years of hard work and dedication, Tom finally retired and planned to travel the world later in life.
  • Jane regretted not studying earlier and now had to stay up late to complete the assignment.
  • Later in the year, our department is organizing a conference for professionals in our field.
  • After weighing all of my options, I think I'll make a decision on whether to take the promotion later this month.
  • After finishing my master's degree, I plan to pursue a PhD later in life.
  • Later in the evening, we'll head out to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary dinner.
  • Although I'm feeling under the weather today, I'm hoping to catch up on work later this week.
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